Example sentences of "for a moment " in BNC.

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1 Set it for a moment beside one of those white Greek goddesses of beautiful women of antiquity , and how would they be troubled by this beauty , into which the soul with all its maladies has passed !
2 We can return for a moment to talk to the girl who went to Italy , and was overwhelmed by Michelangelo 's Sistine Chapel ceiling .
3 Patrick held both hands up in a gesture of peace , he smiled for a moment ; I 'm no trying to get at you personally but I just fucking feel that you cant expect the teacher to be the everything , the heavyweight boxing champion of the world .
4 I had thought at the time , wrote Goldberg , turning the page , wiping his brow , taking a sip of orange juice from the glass on the desk beside him , dreaming for a moment of the cigarettes he had given up two years earlier , I had thought , he wrote , that an edited version of the text , with only those comments directly concerned with the Big Glass included , would serve you best .
5 For a moment or two Peter Horbury contemplated his newly elevated status .
6 The sergeant deliberated for a moment and then spoke in the soft but unmistakable burr of deepest Mummersett .
7 When he replaced the receiver he regarded his subordinate for a moment and then smiled .
8 For a moment he glared at her , opened his mouth to deny everything , and then slumped in the chair , which creaked in protest .
9 She bounced to the mirror to powder and tweak for a moment , catching Conroy 's eye and giving him a wink .
10 Not that he 'd ever for a moment think of … taking advantage , so to speak , of a young woman of loose morals like Mrs Heatherington-Scott . ’
11 Henry Tyler thought for a moment , ‘ That 's an acronym I have n't come across . ’
12 He smiled and was silent for a moment .
13 I was silent for a moment then I looked away .
14 I stood there staring at it for a moment , unable to believe what I saw .
15 I was silent for a moment , trying desperately hard to remember events that had happened only a few minutes earlier .
16 I smiled , and was lost in thought for a moment .
17 She stood for a moment on the other side of the room , sizing me up ( and me sizing her up ) , and then she came over to speak to me .
18 I was silent for a moment .
19 She was silent for a moment .
20 She was silent for a moment .
21 She was silent for a moment .
22 I paused for a moment , then said , ‘ Kathleen , let me tell you what I think would happen if I did as you say and then you tell me where I 'm going wrong .
23 She paused for a moment .
24 I paused for a moment , then added : ‘ Why did you come , then ? ’
25 I paused for a moment , then added , ‘ Would you mind if I had some pudding ? ’
26 I sat back and relaxed for a moment .
27 ‘ Well , you are on the big side and for a moment I had this vision of you … ’
28 She paused for a moment .
29 I was silent for a moment , then I asked : ‘ Is there a telephone somewhere ?
30 I was quiet for a moment .
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