Example sentences of "for [art] previous " in BNC.

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1 It was certainly a surprise to Watney 's , which for the previous four months had been planning its own takeover bid for Truman 's , so that it could close the high-cost Mann 's site .
2 Ajax join English clubs in European exile , as UEFA bans the club for the next two years they qualify for Europe , as punishment for the previous week 's crowd trouble , when the Austria Vienna goalkeeper was felled by a metal spike .
3 Not to be mistaken for the previous car to wear that badge , which was rather short on driver appeal , the new 300 ZX represents a serious threat to Europe 's sports car makers .
4 If one looks at the figures presented at Budget time for the previous financial year , for the financial year 1967/1968 , it is pretty clear in broad terms on what scale the process had been in operation .
5 To become an agent , these social secretaries simply have to reverse their roles with the agents who have been selling them acts for the previous few years .
6 We knew in 1985 that when we made our preliminary announcement of our results for the previous financial year that we would become technically insolvent .
7 There is no suggestion of possible error of self-doubt when World Bank missions meet a fifty-year-old permanent secretary in a Ministry of Finance , even if he has been receiving similar missions , offering rather different policy prescriptions , for the previous twenty years .
8 Account for the previous week , he is busy filling in the end-of-month returns required by Company Headquarters .
9 Call the Department of Environment 's air quality information line and a lady with a cheerful voice will most probably inform you that you have been breathing ‘ good ’ or ‘ very good ’ air for the previous 24 hours .
10 This was the gesture which leading Sikhs had pleaded in vain for the previous Prime Minister , Mr Rajiv Gandhi , to make .
11 This was the gesture which leading Sikhs had pleaded in vain for the previous Prime Minister , Mr Rajiv Gandhi , to make .
12 ‘ They had regard for the previous exemplary record of West Ham and the fact that they have already taken action against their players concerned , ’ Kelly added .
13 All state secondary schools are required by law to publish their results once a year and so now you can write or phone individual school secretaries or the LEA and ask for a copy of the exam results , ideally asking for the previous 2 or 3 years .
14 Although a dozen or more Japanese drift-netters had been operating in the Tasman Sea for the previous 5 years , their presence had practically gone unnoticed .
15 In January rampaging inflation ( 70% in that month alone , on top of a rate for the previous 12 months estimated at 700–900% ) and a tight wage squeeze produced a 40% drop in the average Pole 's standard of living .
16 Most armies march into new wars wearing the boots designed , too late , for the previous ones .
17 From 1982 to 1989 the debts of non-financial firms in America rose by nearly 12% a year , way ahead of the 8.3% average annual growth for the previous three decades .
18 A year ago , having for the previous five years been one of the quietest incumbents of the Quirinale Palace , Mr Cossiga announced his intention ‘ to shake a few pebbles out of my shoes ’ .
19 But the particular psychological shock involved in this one arose from the fact that for the previous two centuries family ties among the landholding classes of England and Scotland and inter-marriage between the royal families had made relations between the two countries very close .
20 Oxford , without the services of Mike Spracklen , whose subtle genius as finishing coach helped them to victories for the previous five races , have Pat Sweeney , a regular Oxford coach since 1988 , in charge .
21 Indeed , Mr Robert Worcester , the American chairman of Market and Opinion Research ( Mori ) and doyen of pollsters in this country , while understandably rueful about Thursday , emphasises that the polls have been ‘ spot on ’ for the previous three elections .
22 Not all problems have gone away of course : yesterday 's £6.4 billion public sector borrowing requirement is not much higher than expectations , but it is almost as large as the deficit for the previous 11 months and — with this year 's deficit forecast to be double last year 's — shows why the Bank of England so eagerly sold £2 billion or more of gilts on election night and why it needs a regular stream of massive sales .
23 I returned to the UK before was born after working in Spain for the previous five years .
24 Her original plan for the previous Wednesday had been to put in an hour or two of picket duty very early in the morning , and then go on to her appointment at Pringle 's .
25 It was voluntary for others at that stage , though from last year those transferring to fellowship had to show their CPD record for the previous three years .
26 Kahane gave him the one for the previous month , explaining that they had been out in the desert for six weeks .
27 Another function of the Solution , is the ability to display dive profiles for the previous eight hours diving and for dive simulation .
28 Chemists had attempted to synthesize quinine for the previous hundred years ( see Chapter 2 ) but all they had achieved was to discover the extreme complexity of the problem .
29 Yet the point which he rightly argued was that for the previous thirty years he had personally controlled the maintenance of the ditches and hedges of this parish , so why should he consider newfangled ideas about nature conservation being built into any proposed scheme now ?
30 In the following year , as already noted , the cost of living rose by 120 per cent ( average for the year ) , and by the end of the year the rate of increase for the previous twelve months had reached 170 per cent .
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