Example sentences of "[Wh adv] it [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He also points out , in passing , that various questions of the sort which have cropped up in earlier chapters of this book , such as whether matter can think , and how it produces mental sensations , ‘ are entirely banished from philosophy ’ by the adoption of immaterialism .
2 Y'know , try and place a historical context to the work and see how it influenced other works .
3 ‘ I could see what he was thinking , so I started talking about love , how it means different things to different people , and that 's when he said it . ’
4 To find out how it affects Scottish farmers one need go no further than my constituency .
5 Henry went on to point out the evils of sweated labour and the pay make-up system , how it fostered a disinclination to work and how it encouraged landless men to marry just so that their income would be augmented ‘ in proportion to the number of their children ’ , and how it led to degradation of the character : ‘ The weak , the indolent , and worthless worker is now secure of the maximum payment settled by the standards you have determined from parish funds , and the industrious , skilful and honest workman can expect no more … the pernicious and demoralising practice of paying wages out of rates … ought to be suppressed and prohibited . ’
6 It sums up how it carries large loads .
7 It is time the Labour Party explained how it sees non-sectarian politics developing in Northern Ireland .
8 Nevertheless she was her usual polite society self with Mr Sands — she had learned in her papa 's home and at the embassy how to put people at their ease — and all in all the sight of his skivvy doing the gracious afforded Dr Neil another bout of inward sardonic mirth , however it delighted young Mr Sands , who thought what a splendid creature she was , and a great pity she was only a servant — she had so much presence .
9 Brewin was sold to management by Scandinavian Bank for about £6 million last year , when it made pre-tax profits of £1.4 million on turnover of £14.4 million .
10 Management board chairman Hans-Olaf Henkel said that transfer reduced its extraordinary loss to $562m last year when it had extraordinary expenditure of $1,134m .
11 Management board chairman Hans-Olaf Henkel said that transfer reduced its extraordinary loss to $562m last year when it had extraordinary expenditure of $1,134m .
12 Housing had been the responsibility of the Urban Renewal Authority ( URA ) since the early 1970s when it achieved independent recognition through federal legislation .
13 ‘ This was blown out of the water by the Supreme Court in 1990 , when it said Irish unity is a constitutional imperative .
14 We 'll ask Linda this time , when it says good plans , sell , require , retain .
15 The GPS system made its public debut in the recent Gulf War when it enabled allied troops to navigate at night across hundreds of miles of desert to within a few metres .
16 TI 's announcement , says Mr Garner , was in direct response to its experience of three years ago , when it attracted heavy criticism over its acquisition and goodwill accounting techniques — in spite of the huge amount spent on acquisitions , the substantial rationalisation costs involved were rarely charged to the p&l account .
17 The new law will become effective three months from when it receives royal assent .
18 Broomfield and Alexander , a seven partner firm based in south Wales , had been the club 's auditors for many years when it hit financial difficulties .
19 The firm is also doubling its floor space as of June 15 when it adds adjacent offices in Marlborough to its plot .
20 The church originally had a square tower at its western end , but in 1855 when it underwent considerable restoration , a tall spire was added , built of stone from a ship wrecked on Mappleton sands .
21 Big brother was staying in Islington , making a living from TV comedy shows by being one of the twenty or so names that zip up the screen under where it says Additional Material By : , and trying to be a stand-up comic .
22 Start from where it says little knobs he
23 In May UNITA not only recaptured Mavinga but also switched the focus of its campaign to its military base in Béu in the north-west near the border with Zaïre , from where it received major airlifts of US supplies and equipment .
24 Upon closure of the branch line in 1957 , the B.E.M.U. went home to Derby where it became departmental test unit ‘ Gemini ’ , before eventually being acquired by the West Yorkshire Transport Museum .
25 His work was swiftly taken up in Germany , where it had close relations with that of Weber and Kohlrausch ; and it was there that H. R. Hertz , for whom Maxwell 's theory was no more than Maxwell 's equations , demonstrated the existence of electrical or radio waves in accordance with the equations .
26 Secondly , the Director of Social Services has got the authority to waive any of these charges where it causes financial hardship and the whole mechanism has been put in place to inform people that this waiving waiver process is in place and to allow them to apply for waiving of those charges .
27 Although this regulation of tortious liability is not of itself a contractual issue , there are some situations where it has great importance for business contracts , for instance in the area of pre-contract negotiations .
28 Hence each enforcement authority ( i.e. local trading standards department ) now has power to serve a ‘ suspension notice ’ upon a trader where it has reasonable grounds to think legal safety requirements have been infringed , section 14 .
29 Seymour Cray has been left holding the baby at his struggling Colorado Springs-based Cray Computer Corp : Neil Davenport has resigned as president and chief executive , saying that Cray Computer had reached the point where it has appropriate resources to complete the Cray-3 so he is free to seek other opportunities — but the company is still seeking its first firm customer for the supercomputer .
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