Example sentences of "[Wh adv] why [vb base] [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And a key in all of this and Professor Lock er mentioned is why should we have er a strategic exceptions policy , why why do we want to attract those sort of developments to the county and more specifically perhaps Harrogate District ?
2 Well why why do we have wait three months ?
3 I mean why why why do you think there is n't more Channel four , I know , ran some women 's football er recently but th th , they have n't kept it up very regularly but wh why why is that ?
4 Why why do you think we might be interested in carbon ?
5 What , why why do you think they , why do you think they 've gone , so many of them ?
6 Why why do you think people were trying to put you off ?
7 Okay John why why why why do you think it 's important that you should be allowed to wear a hairpiece if you want ?
8 Why why do you feel it is that people are suspicious of their neighbours ?
9 Why why do you charge erm at least for for domestic premises , seventeen percent more ?
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