Example sentences of "[Wh adv] we do n't [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Anyone else see the game last night ? , how we did n't win 3 or 4–1 , I 'll never know .
2 Unfortunately with got to get some of those people who do n't want to come and it 's all about bums on seats it 's the old old saying bums on seats we 've got to get an answer how we do n't get to these here at the moment in the audience whether they are people who want to get bums on seats or how they know how to do it perhaps they should have a meeting like this every month I 've never seen so many of .
3 No it 's only where the cats how we do n't get hairs on the chair .
4 There must have been a time when we did n't quarrel , when we were just content to be together .
5 We saw herds of stags and although we never actually walked for a day when we did n't see anyone else , there was a week of walking when we only saw one other person for every day .
6 To , to make contingency plans to hold it on a day when we do n't need the cooperation of the employers in terms of time off
7 ‘ We 've now had two further years when we do n't seem to have gone on from that .
8 It got to the stage where we did n't bother to ask what happened to it .
9 But you see , today , I mean , if you go in Newmarket today that 's all tied up round in the windows where we did n't have it in the window , no not at all .
10 I I think that that 's really the message which I 'm quite sure er the the economic secretary has got er and I do apologise if I have laboured the point but I will be doing so until we can have a situation where we do n't go on passing more rules and regulations but in fact all the legislation coming to the house is purely repealing legislation so we do n't actually need any fresh legislation , we just repeal what in fact er we have introduced er because it is it is er not helpful to the prosperity of this country .
11 Well , they can come in to the church , as many of them do , erm and I just say to them well , you know , do you respect this place and fine , it 's a place where we do n't chuck anybody out who comes into church for all sorts of reasons during the day when the church is open , you know , people come in , and there are many people like the ones we 've been talking about , who are in desperate need , and we just ask them to respect certain fairly mild rules they can always go out in the churchyard and smoke , but in the building itself we say no smoking and no drinking .
12 Right there 's some correlation between the two , right , auto violation the residuals right , so where we do n't have residual auto correlation which is the case here , you could actually save the residuals , perform an error less and you would n't find coefficient on residuals with T minus one significant , you 've got an , potentially that 's what these tests for serial correlation do , right , they , you can think of them as r saving the residuals , running a , running this regression , right .
13 Those are covered by a special arrangement where we do n't have to collect a cheque we do n't have a banker 's order but it 's done through a erm a company invoice
14 Now in those cases we ca n't use the normal Chow tests we 've got more parameters to estimate than we have observations , right , as a result Chow developed a second test , right , from structural change where we do n't need er erm to estimate essentially the regression in the sub sample which has got very few obser observations but in that Chow , that Chow second test is often called a test of predicted failure , right , Microfit will calculate both of those tests and bear in mind I mean that we 're spending a lot of time on er parameter constancy , we must bear in mind that parameter constancy is vitally important if we are going to make these inferences possible be about policy making on the basis of our estimates .
15 There are some organizations such as BUPA hospitals have a special arrangement where we do n't need a cheque and we do n't need a banker 's order .
16 What we want to know is how to use that assertiveness in situations where we do n't know the rules . ’
17 So it does seem to work this method , and it wor this is the method we have to use for all the numbers including the As and Bs and Xs and Ys where we do n't know what the number is .
18 ‘ I ca n't think why we did n't hold the ball outside , ’ said Ayling coming in with newspapers under his arm .
19 I wondered why we did n't do a bit more for them .
20 The last words of his opening contribution say : I feel sure that the time will come when people will ask why we did n't do more in this day and age to preserve those wise traditions that form mankind 's lifeline with the profoundly mysterious laws of the universe .
21 about erm why we did n't use bilingual staff for one of the particular dates .
22 why we did n't hear , what was thirteen .
23 The entrepreneurial Elizabeth Taylor ( no relation ) read an article about organic markets in France , les Marches Biologiques , and wondered why we did n't have any here .
24 Directly into a drain , so we never s that 's why we did n't see it , because the water was actually pouring down a drain , so of course we did n't see the water lolling up the waterlogged ground , otherwise we 'd have spotted it earlier .
25 ‘ I do n't know why we did n't notice , Mil , ’ said Maud , rallying to her friend 's side .
26 What puzzles me is why we do n't do the obvious and go and find him .
27 And that 's why we do n't make money on carriage forwards cos we do n't sell carriage forwards for the positive reasons , we say , well if they do n't want them send them back , or if they 're damaged send them back .
28 Another thing is , I 'll tell why we do n't want er , they always having valuations , they are , they come and value it , and then they give us money .
29 No , that 's why , that 's why we do n't want to get rid of it to anyone , just in case they chop it up
30 That 's why we do n't go there .
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