Example sentences of "i look [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I look down the other side of the island on to tall fields of barley , stands of eucalyptus .
2 - I look towards these preparations for the sun ,
3 When I look towards the Merchiston Castle here , I wonder what John Napier who lived here from 1550 to 1627 would have said could he see us today .
4 I look as if I 've made an about-turn but in terms of simple logistics it 's getting itself out of all proportion . ’
5 When I sit down they billow up in front of me and I look as if I 've got a water melon under there .
6 " I look as if I were going to give birth to an elephant at any minute ! "
7 At the moment I look as if someone has slashed wildly at me with a knife .
8 Two inches on my hair and I look as if I 've had my face thinned and people start speaking in hushed voices in my presence .
9 just have , I look as if I 'm
10 Sometimes I look through the catalogue at the men 's clothes , or wander into shops like Principles and look at the menswear .
11 I look through the crowd at the steep stairs to the upper office .
12 I look through the letter-box but I ca n't see anything ; I reach in and feel a box on the far side of the thick door .
13 I look through the window — the streets , the sky the colour of wet sugar — and I am simply stumped by this , dumbfounded , non-plussed .
14 I look through the blinds .
15 The undercut cave is dark and mysterious but the lightness of the sandy bottom becomes apparent as I look across the bend , the water becoming shallower as I scan across to the inside of the bend .
16 Wessex Poems , with its idiosyncratic drawings , introduced him to a startled public as a poetic writer of great originality and — in ‘ Neutral tones ’ , ‘ Friends beyond ’ , ‘ I look into my glass ’ for example — a potential master of the lyric form .
17 Our square red-brick house stands some 100 yards away ( as I look into the Sun ) with its french windows open .
18 I stay in bed and pluck at the counterpane and listen to the winds of solitude roaring at the edge of infinity and the wolves of evil baying down the void , and I look into the darkness . ’
19 ‘ I thought I no longer felt anything for you , but when I look into your eyes …
20 Could you carry on here while I look into the shipping side of things ? "
21 I look into that fishtank , me , and all I see is new furniture of a different kind , studs and beads and zebra flashes , bouncy frills and fruity bobbles , Barry 's lounge , Vron 's boudoir .
22 That 's why I want you to lie low for a couple of days , while I look into it . ’
23 I look into her eyes .
24 I look into his patient eyes .
25 Some snatch of verse from a Jacobean tragedy flashed through his mind : ‘ When I look into the fishponds in my garden , methinks I see a thing , armed with a rake , that seems to strike at me . ’
26 ‘ Sometimes I feel , when I look into your eyes , that I know you , right to your soul .
27 ‘ It 's absurd — I look on Margaret as my best friend , but I 've only seen her once in the last six months — I do feel guilty about it . ’
28 I look on it as a work of God .
29 As a member in business , I look on the Institute 's failure to address the problem of conflicts between the two roles with concern .
30 I look on myself as a fun golfer I go off with my mates on golfing weekends and have taken my clubs to Spain , Tunisia , Portugal and the USA .
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