Example sentences of "i looked out " in BNC.

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1 However , this sensation evaporated as soon as I looked out of the window , when I realized how imprisoned I was by my ignorance , which Aisha seized upon , exploiting the fact that I did n't know how to flush the toilet , work the shower , turn on the oven or boil the electric kettle to make tea , and that I could n't understand what her older child or her next-door neighbour said .
2 While we was having our meal I looked out of the window and there was a fellow there — in the lay-by — sitting in a black car .
3 Crossing the humpy floor , I looked out of a doorless doorway and saw , half hidden in the grass , the red tiles of the porch where the young Harvey-Beaumonts had sat , celebrating St George 's Day by tapping their feet to the brassy music of the band of the Black and Tans .
4 The next morning I looked out of the window of my warm bedroom into the backyard and saw a child enter the open gate from the garden , look cautiously round , lift the lid from an over-flowing garbage can and quickly and efficiently pick out the scraps of bread and other left-overs from our supper tables the previous night .
5 I looked out over the empty white road to the sky and saw the morning sun sparkling .
6 I looked out of the window for air raid damage but could see none and decided that this was one of the minor Ruhr towns which had not yet been attacked .
7 I looked out of the window at the sun flashing on a field of snow .
8 Thereafter I looked out of all the windows of the snug hostelry , and not finding a satisfactory view , for it now rained in earnest , and it was vain to hope to be able to sketch out of doors , I noticed a new house a short distance from the inn ( it was being prepared for a doctor ) ; was entrusted with the keys , and from one of the front windows looked out on the rainy scene depicted in the sketch of ‘ Garrynahine , Isle of Lewis . ’
9 I heard a noise one night , like several motorbikes roaring down the road , only it was coming from above , and as I looked out of the window there they were — three red exhausts in the sky , blinding along a parallel course a few feet above the roof tops .
10 But as the plane taxied along the runway at Praia airport and I looked out on what could have been a simulated view from a lunar module , I sensed how daunting the task would be .
11 As I looked out of the window I noticed that frost was forming on cars .
12 I used to sleep in the same bed as my mother and father because of the shortage of space , but one morning I woke up in another room and I looked out and saw the undertaker standing at the top of the stairs .
13 I looked out of a window to see what he was looking at , but there seemed to be nothing of great note , only the racegoing passengers streaming off their forward carriages en route to write postcards home from the station .
14 I looked out of the window and I saw the postman delivering letters .
15 I looked out of the window and I saw a queue of people waiting for the bus … and so on .
16 One Queens district resident said : ‘ Yesterday I looked out my window and I saw a guy doing the back stroke down my block .
17 ‘ Fuck you , ’ the Maggot screamed at whoever fired at him and I looked out of the Beechcraft 's side window to see palm trees going past at over 150 miles an hour and above us .
18 I looked out to sea , almost as though I expected to see a puff of smoke and a beast with a forked tail appear from the darkness .
19 And I looked out and there was this enormous caravan parked outside , closing off the light through Trevor 's window .
20 I looked out of the window , ’ bubbled Angalo .
21 I sat in the back of the car while Richard drove and Flora talked ; the car established rhythms ; the landscape flowed past ; I looked out of the window and felt my thoughts flow too , relaxed and liberated .
22 ‘ When I looked out , the house was just collapsing slowly like a pack of cards . ’
23 I looked out and saw for the first time the main street of Koraloona 's largest town , Anani : a dusty white strip of road , a long row of assorted shops , a few cars .
24 I looked out from the window from where the man had fallen and what I saw was unbelievable , ’ he said .
25 We talked of England : and my host was so inspiring in his eloquence on the subject of what England might have achieved in friendship with Germany that , as I looked out on the twilight enshrouding the Kurfiarstendamm I could think of nothing to say but Marlowe 's famous lines :
26 But I looked out of the window as I spoke to him .
27 From the top of Flinter Gill I looked out to the Howgills and across to where cloud shadows were moving across Dentdale and over Rise Hill .
28 I looked out of the window .
29 I looked out .
30 I looked out of the train window and saw fields and villages and mountains .
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