Example sentences of "i expect [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Reviewers would put ‘ When I first heard the name I expected four guys in Factory haircuts ’ .
2 I expected four .
3 ‘ It is simply that I expected better service , ’ he snapped .
4 I expected blue murder but , to my delight , he was very proud . ’
5 He said : ‘ I expected six or seven calibre applicants , though others in the business said I would be surprised by the numbers to apply .
6 At any moment I expected one of the masters , placed at strategic intervals to stop a guy taking short cuts or lighting up a Havana cigar , to leap out from a place of concealment , brandishing The Times and bellowing , ‘ Come on , Britton !
7 I expected that .
8 I expected that .
9 I expected ecological debate , the odd clash over vegetarianism and a hint of hippiness .
10 I expected hundred and forty at least !
11 I expected new information .
12 And Bell said : ‘ I expected some trouble but not on this scale — they acted like animals .
13 I set off again , maintaining for some reason — perhaps because I expected further farm creatures to wander across my path — my slow speed of before .
14 Not that I expected any .
15 At Calais the peg-legged porter unloading the baggage with as much agility as his able-bodied fellows became , in my over-heated imagination , a victim of Verdun , and such was the exotic evocation of ‘ foreign soil ’ , that I think I expected northern France to be totally distinct from southern England — almost like another planet .
16 I would prefer to see a straight Rocky-Strachan swap ( as I expected last year ) but I guess the wee man is still playing to well for this .
17 I expected more of you but perhaps you deserve a second chance . ’
18 I expected this place to be in chaos — instead , it 's an oasis of calm .
19 If we are misled by our grammar into thinking that ‘ I expect such-and-such ’ is a report of a mental process then there will seem to be a problem : ‘ What is it about a mental process which makes it an expectation of such-and-such ?
20 That ‘ I expect such-and-such ’ has ‘ such-and-such ’ for its fulfilment is as unproblematic as is the rule of grammar that ‘ X does such-and-such ’ is the execution of the order to X ‘ Do such-and-such ’ , or the rule of whist that the act of trumping has the consequence that the trick is won — provided one 's opponent does not use a higher trump .
21 This is version one of what promises to be one of the leading packages in this field , and , given that that is the case , I expect future versions to add greatly to its functionality .
22 In other words , Dr Blake , I expect one-hundred-per-cent support from every member of this team . ’
23 I expect many mothers have had the experience of standing at the sink washing and re-washing dishes because a teenage son or daughter is standing in the kitchen talking about something important , and once the dish-washing is over , he or she will go away .
24 But I expect many others to work on them after me and analyse them in their turn .
25 TECs will have responsibility for the initiative , and I expect many bids .
26 3.45:NOT many in with a chance here and I expect recent Fakenham scorer Love Anew and SKIPPING TIM to fight out the finish .
27 I expect amazing revelations — a scoop ! ’
28 I expect each one will take from these misty illusions , creations congenial to his own mind .
29 I expect six hours
30 I expect young people of today would rate the fair rides of the early 1920 's quite tame affairs .
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