Example sentences of "[Wh adv] [to-vb] [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 At least the City knows how to lose money in style .
2 The Victorians knew how to celebrate Christmas in style .
3 the introductory booklet has handy tips on how to colour mix with acrylic , taking the novice through some straightforward exercises which will help to familiarise the terms used when painting with acrylics and assist understanding of the paint texture and thinning properties .
6 They did not understand the nature of honour or how to win glory in battle .
7 We 'll also focus on the military aspect of the training … where troops learn how to free fall with oxygen at night .
8 How to use Homoeopathy in practice
9 These include the individual 's pension rights ; the powers and responsibilities of scheme members , trustees , employers and advisers ; and how to manage conflict of interest .
10 But they do not know how to put pen to paper !
11 Although the Andaman Islanders still do not know how to start fire from scratch , wholesale clearing of other parts of the tropics has long been practised .
12 The family health services authority 's role of advising general practitioners , both on improving their prescribing and on how to ensure value for money , will remain and they will be required to show the effectiveness of their interventions .
13 This is the stage for creative thinking and imaginative ideas — how to convert vision into reality .
14 The penis as sales tool , or how to get head in advertising : right , the creamiest milk chocolate advert in the world and , left , a lipstick that any man would be proud of
15 We also talk of ‘ doing research ’ when we investigate the history of a place we intend to visit , looking up information in travel guides and brochures , finding out how best to get there , what to avoid and how to get value for money .
17 If managers were better informed of practice activity before 1990 and spent time equipping general practitioners instead of attacking them , they would learn from the general practitioner how to maintain quality of care .
18 When O put down the phone at the end of this first call , he did not know how to say goodbye to Boy ; he did not know what name to use .
19 SMALL businesses in the North-East can find out how to take advantage of business networks in the EC when the European Week for Business gets under way next week .
20 Children learn how to take part in discussion , not just in the making of statements .
21 That requires that the drafter must know : 1 what the relevant law is ; 2 what its practical implications are ; 3 what the client , who will use the standard terms , wants to achieve ; 4 how to manipulate language in order , in the light of 1 and 2 , to achieve the client 's objective .
22 For detailed advice on how to stop crime in business see page 36 .
23 The child will need the opportunity to develop a sense of competence and control in the relationship and learn how to gain pleasure from interaction with their parents .
24 Law : Giving the lie to an old-fashioned hunch : Marcus Stone on how to tell truth from fiction
25 We know how to distinguish myth from reality .
26 ‘ I want to learn how to make music from scratch , to create brand new basslines and beats .
27 He would see loads of young people who are trying to learn how to make sense of life , trying to sort out what is right and what is wrong , trying to understand who they are and how to get on with people around them .
28 A high specification of housework rules can be seen as a common response to a common problem — the problem being how to make sense of work that is intrinsically unsatisfying under conditions where less and less of it need be done ( through automation , ‘ convenience ’ foods , better housing conditions , etc ) , but where the structural pressures which assign women to the home remain as strong as ever .
29 Much more complicated is how to make allowance for price differences which reflect different qualities of goods .
30 We have always said that it is not for nothing that the Unix prompts are dollar and percentage signs and at last somebody out there has the common sense to recognise that fact too : the new Unix Reseller Show , set for May 4 to 6 in Dallas , is blatantly promoting itself with the slogan ‘ How To Make Money With Unix ’ ; if that does n't bring the punters piling in , nothing will .
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