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1 " This Meeting having with much regret felt the Inconveniences arising to the Island for the Want of a Jail , wherein Disturbers of the Peace and other Transgressors of the Law might be Confined … are of the opinion that Shawfield should be apply 'd to , and these Grievances Stated , that he may of course procure the Sherriff 's warrant to have a Jail Established … "
2 Second , there must be a facility whereby members of the profession can establish the acceptability of their behaviour before they embark on it — let us call it ‘ ethical support ’ .
3 Opposition to the current system was most vociferous among ethnic groups who claimed that they were disadvantaged under a system of patronage whereby members of the President 's own ethnic group , the Limba , were favoured in government appointments .
4 The growth of any general practice whereby decisions of the Cabinet or of Cabinet committee were announced as such would lead to the embarrassing result that some decisions of government would be regarded as less authoritative than others .
5 The second part considers how interactions between the child and her linguistically more competent caretakers may create privileged opportunities for language learning , and thereby constitute a form of environmental support for the child 's mastery of language .
6 Perhaps the most distinguishing features of psychological approaches to the study of human development are the assumption of underlying continuities between behaviours at different points in the lifespan , and the attempt to understand how interactions between the individual and the environment at one point in time make possible more elaborate interactions at some later point in time .
7 It also explores how imperfections in the product markets ‘ spill over ’ into the labour markets and vice versa .
8 McClelland ( 1987 ) , on the other hand , shows how discourses upon the nature of work were condensed from a range of social commentators , and incorporated not only arguments about the underlying system of economic relations , but also those about individuality and morality .
9 But he has yet to explain publicly how traces of the drug Methandianone were found in a urine sample taken on July 15 .
10 This chapter will trace the rise of the leading approaches and show how disputes within the discipline have helped to create a scientific framework for it .
11 The difficulties of accounting precisely for how readers of the play text get from the words on the page to judgements concerning the " personalities " of characters are overcome , to some extent , by the analysis of their conversational behaviour and using the powerful interpretative apparatus of discourse analysis and pragmatics to this end .
12 This article attempts to provide some explanations for how readers of the play text or the audience of the dramatic performance are able to recognise character traits , and how these traits are themselves affected by the action of the play .
13 The following reading , from the final part of Pearson 's book , gives specific examples of how changes in the way in which the law is enforced makes historical comparisons of the rate of criminality virtually impossible .
14 How changes in the money supply occur is discussed in many places .
15 The rest of the extract then examines how changes in the style of policing and law enforcement affect criminal statistics .
16 The common objective behind all three projects is to analyse how changes in the society as a whole have a different impact in different areas , such that the same process may come to have very different consequences according to local-level variations .
17 On Central News this week we 've seen how firms from the region are surviving in the American market place .
18 Certainly they are powerful examples of how meditations on the Passion were designed to work in inner experience and they illuminate aspects of the " form " of contemplative living in ways characteristic of Rolle .
19 Skip shows us in the book how his aspirations for the boat decrease and how newcomers to the boat had to get used to the crew 's relaxed attitude .
20 Occupational medicine — the study of how exposures in the work-place affect workers ' health — is the main source of information here .
21 But it claims that the findings are significant because they illustrate how discharges into the sea can return to land a considerable distance away and enter human food chain .
22 Really we still know very little about what teachers actually do in the classroom and it 's all very well standing back in university and saying teachers should do this and should do that , but in order to be able to offer guidance I think we really need to do more research in mixed ability classrooms to discover how teachers at the moment are dealing with the situation and where we might offer them more support , and that 's the direction I 'd like to see research going ; rather than more of the grandiose large-scale quantitative studies , which collect lots of figures and statistics , I 'd like to see a lot more studies in actual classrooms looking at actual teachers teaching , looking at what they do and how we can improve that .
23 If that is so I wonder how members of the public who have to go to the magistrates court are going to be able to travel to either Alton or Aldershot to have their cases heard ?
24 Local guidelines will cover practical matters as follows : ( a ) How members of the public and employees of agencies represented on the ACPC should refer any concerns they have about individual children .
25 I learnt something about myself , I learnt a little bit about how members of the class view me , certain physical characteristics which are habits which I try to stop .
26 Surprisingly , that 's not how Friends of the Earth see it .
27 When we hear of problems facing chocolate workers anywhere , we take action , remembering how links in the chain have helped us .
28 When Education Secretary John Patten visits Appleton Primary school in 2 weeks , he 'll see for himself how children in the classroom master the skill of reading .
29 These musical phrases give continuity to the action and are most valuable because they help both performers and audience to understand how moments in the story or theme affect the players .
30 An active , verbal home atmosphere is , as many studies have shown , of critical significance in determining how the child will fare at school ( see J. W. B. Douglas ' 1964 study for one of the main contributions to our understanding of how factors in the home environment affect educational careers ; also , Douglas et al. , 1968 ; Bernstein , 1971 , 1975 ) .
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