Example sentences of "[Wh adv] [pron] do [vb infin] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Whenever I did succeed in preparing a family meal , I insisted that everyone eat whatever was placed on her/his plate .
2 Whenever I do play with any kind of distortion , if I go and sit in with somebody , I find it 's so easy .
3 On the other hand , you will have gathered already that we are going to talk about Greater York , so I think there may be some distinct benefit and merit in you being he here to listen to that , er particular part of the topic , now the , I hope in fact that we can deal with the remainder of H One , because it it does lead quite logically into the next issue which we want to talk about , which is the new settlement in the Greater York area , er and I hope that we can get through this item by our morning break , that but whenever we do conclude on H One we will have to have a slightly longer break just to enable the seating arrangements to be sorted out properly for all participants who are involved in the discussion on the new settlement .
4 While her hands were busy rooting the ingredients out of their packs , Jezrael tried to work out just how she did feel about the Magyar , but that was a niggling discomfort blunted by the stone weight of her worry about Chesarynth — and about Antoine .
5 ‘ Oh Edward , how you do suffer for your country !
6 erm and how we do compare to other companies erm
7 However I did throw in a little bit of doubt , there was a possible objection there that you might have apacked you sound a little bit doubtful Mrs , do you have a problem with that
8 Playing area — this is where you do battle with the professor 's perilous pests .
9 So we did suggest and I did believe your party to support erm , a process where we did consult with local people but we also took other factors into consideration .
10 It was one of those quiet September days , when everything does seem to be waiting .
11 However they do go into the balance .
12 I have often wondered where they do come from but confess that I have absolutely no idea .
13 Deane is n't a bad player , at sheffield however he did score in bursts rather than every other game he also played not as a goalscorer but someone to play flicks etc .
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