Example sentences of "[Wh adv] [pron] [vb mod] [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Aah thowt as 'ow 'e 'd 'ave more sense . ’
2 Users are likely to be able to lead the process of innovation whenever they perceive their own needs more clearly than other firms do , and whenever they can appropriate most of the benefits from innovation .
3 I said yes , but filling all my early evenings with this would prove rather inconvenient on those occasions when I wanted to go out , so we agreed a system whereby I would do some of the work first thing in the morning and the rest of it just after I closed down the switchboard .
4 So when I said to Bob this morning was it Bob , I said do n't I do n't have a magic wand that 's gon na get rid of them but what I hope I 'm gon na give you over these two days is a system whereby you can use that and can support you so you 're able to effectively present despite having the nerves and be able to put over your point of view effectively , yeah ?
5 The British Library is exploring , for example , a collaborative programme with Yale University whereby we would exchange digitised copies of some of our complementary collections .
6 In a context where design debate , narrowly conceived , seems to be meeting with little success in evaluating design 's social import , the questions raised — is design the means whereby we can shape future socio-technological systems to create a richer and more emancipated life or simply the often impotent agent of techno-economic systems ? — become a means to general design understanding .
7 Presenting a model of these factors gives no prescriptive power over the language analysis in BSL or speech , but it is a framework whereby we can see separate elements in the task .
8 This is the so-called ‘ poverty-trap ’ of the lower paid : a small increase in earning takes them over a threshold , whereby they may lose certain welfare benefits and at the same time have to pay a disproportionately large increase in tax on their original income .
9 They accepted that employment upon the terms as to remuneration laid down in the scale of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors whereby they would receive 10 per cent of one year 's rent defined as ‘ the rent reserved by letting ’ plus any additional service charge .
10 He noted that the agreement had been for DEC to increase its stake in Olivetti to 10% in July 1994 , but found a means whereby it could make good on its commitment earlier than expected .
11 I ca n't understand how someone can work that way . ’
12 I think of [ name ] and how someone could do that to a wee woman like that .
13 I do not know how I shall manage this winter and dread it not for the weather which is rarely fierce , but for the loneliness .
14 ‘ Though I do n't know how I 'll do that as she does n't have a telephone . ’
15 I knew exactly how I would do this and explained in some detail , finding Alec Reid equally fascinated .
16 Now I 'll show you how I would differentiate that .
17 What I can not do er is advise you on how I would score one sector against another in respect of that because again , er we have n't looked at that in sufficient detail .
18 A number of meetings were set up during which we discussed how I would approach such a project .
19 I wondered how I should broach this subject but as it happened , Dame Edna opened her heart .
20 I also got really specific about the phrasing and how I could transcribe that onto the guitar .
21 ‘ Jealous people asking how I could earn such money on a government salary . ’
22 Could you advise me as to how I could solve this problem ?
23 Has anybody any idea how I could have unscribed without knowing it ?
24 How I could fall asleep at a time like that I do n't know .
25 And it gives a rudimentary account of how I can do this .
26 Your safety , and your security and my safety and security in life does not depend on how pleasant my ways are and how pleasant my paths are how much I manage to amass , and how I can overcome all the little difficulties and problems and steer clear of the big ones the security and safety of my life , now and in eternity , security is there in the boat and lying with him .
27 ‘ You still have n't said how I can have two mothers , Nanny , ’ Artemis persisted , raising her voice and attracting the attention of a red-faced man at the main table .
28 Firstly because editors and journalists and so forth get an awful lot of them , and do n't have time to pore over them , and secondly because they pick them up , they sort of come in , they look at it and say , ‘ I ca n't see how I can use this . ’
29 ‘ You know very well how I 'd hate that .
30 Physically demonstrate various ways of interacting socially with others , indicate how she might make positive comments about another child , and show her how to play constructively .
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