Example sentences of "[Wh adv] [adj] do n't [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I can remember when that did n't seem so unlikely , and I thought , well , if anything like that does ever happen , and they 're right and the establishment is wrong , then it would n't do any harm for there to be people like me in the Army who were basically in sympathy with the … movement , whatever . ’
2 So if you think back now at times when you 've done a training session and you thought I ca n't understand why that did n't work , you know I worked really hard this may actually reveal something to you you did work really hard at it and you put it together just the way that you would like to receive it , but it 's not it just the way the delegates would actually have liked to have seen it done .
3 However that did n't make them guilty of murder .
4 It 's in there because you ca n't have executive style cabinet government in local government unless you pay executive councillors executive salaries , it 's got nothing to do with the idea of you getting thirty five pounds rather than thirty three if we stay here all day erm I would just , I 'm really wisely advised to make one point er Mr er was c wondering why this did n't have majority support actually most of it did I think Mr will confirm that he and his colleagues were happy to support all of the proposed responses from A to J on page thirty and thirty one but were not happy with response B and I would like to er that erm that er when our responses do go forward it is made clear that apart from little paragraph B there was all party support because I really feel that our local authority associates need to know that and erm I hope that will be little B was er a piece that erm certainly I and my colleagues supported er , rather .
5 And I do n't know why these did n't come out terribly maybe because it was stormy and cloudy or whatever but , still .
6 So this is that 's why these do n't have the dimples on them , whereas they should have done if they 'd You see so there 's al there 's incredibly subtle things that you can you can pick up .
7 ‘ Maybe they can tell me why Scruffy did n't know me , ’ he thought .
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