Example sentences of "[Wh adv] [noun] of the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 " This Meeting having with much regret felt the Inconveniences arising to the Island for the Want of a Jail , wherein Disturbers of the Peace and other Transgressors of the Law might be Confined … are of the opinion that Shawfield should be apply 'd to , and these Grievances Stated , that he may of course procure the Sherriff 's warrant to have a Jail Established … "
2 So far as I know , one cause of a general fall in the value of money is not open to dispute , either as theoretically possible or as practically instanced within our own experience : that is the monetisation of debt , in other words , the process whereby part of the expenditure of public authorities is financed by the creation of additional spending power .
3 Second , there must be a facility whereby members of the profession can establish the acceptability of their behaviour before they embark on it — let us call it ‘ ethical support ’ .
4 Opposition to the current system was most vociferous among ethnic groups who claimed that they were disadvantaged under a system of patronage whereby members of the President 's own ethnic group , the Limba , were favoured in government appointments .
5 The growth of any general practice whereby decisions of the Cabinet or of Cabinet committee were announced as such would lead to the embarrassing result that some decisions of government would be regarded as less authoritative than others .
6 But he has yet to explain publicly how traces of the drug Methandianone were found in a urine sample taken on July 15 .
7 The difficulties of accounting precisely for how readers of the play text get from the words on the page to judgements concerning the " personalities " of characters are overcome , to some extent , by the analysis of their conversational behaviour and using the powerful interpretative apparatus of discourse analysis and pragmatics to this end .
8 This article attempts to provide some explanations for how readers of the play text or the audience of the dramatic performance are able to recognise character traits , and how these traits are themselves affected by the action of the play .
9 USL declined to reveal how ownership of the subsidiary is apportioned .
10 In 2 we have looked at how the formal system operates between as well as within sentences ; in 3 we have seen how knowledge of the world ( about cats and gates , for example ) or of the culture ( about social roles and relationships ) enables people to make their language function as they intend and to understand how others do the same to them .
11 Legal records are unique in giving us an inkling of how people of the age saw the world about them .
12 If that is so I wonder how members of the public who have to go to the magistrates court are going to be able to travel to either Alton or Aldershot to have their cases heard ?
13 Local guidelines will cover practical matters as follows : ( a ) How members of the public and employees of agencies represented on the ACPC should refer any concerns they have about individual children .
14 I learnt something about myself , I learnt a little bit about how members of the class view me , certain physical characteristics which are habits which I try to stop .
15 Surprisingly , that 's not how Friends of the Earth see it .
16 The language of the patent , ambiguous as it always is , emphasised how elimination of the spine could remove the risk of distortion and subsequent uneven distribution of pressure .
17 Yet , it is debatable whether or how length of the interval influences the mother 's health or survival .
18 Can he say how evaluation of the tender is progressing ?
19 However , it is a moot point as to how representative of the Church of England the General Synod is , or indeed any other of the layers — Diocesan or Deanery .
20 The principal method of investigation is a postal inquiry followed by personal visits to selected record offices ; an attempt is also being made to assess how representative of the country as a whole the areas that have been selected are .
21 Not only is there dispute about the long-term effects of new technology on skill level , but there is also , closely bound up with this issue , the question of how jobs of the future will be organised .
22 We noted above how advocates of the reliance theory , a leading example of interests theory , proclaim the conservative implications of their distributive scheme .
23 The main tunnel portal is inland at Holywell where part of the tunnel spoil will be offloaded for use in the construction of the Cheriton terminal .
24 The floor was a continuous mosaic of eight-sided tiles , the corridor walls were angled to give the corridors eight sides if the walls and ceilings were counted and , in those places where part of the masonry had fallen in , Twoflower noticed that even the stones themselves had eight sides .
25 Next they went into the main building where part of the reprocessing cycle took place .
26 Support for the accusation comes from two cases where associates of the duke were dismissed by the council for failing to render account , but then remained in post .
27 Support for the accusation comes from two cases where associates of the duke were dismissed by the council for failing to render account , but then remained in post .
28 ‘ Do you know why part of the flame goes green ? ’ asks Tony , who has been hovering nearby .
29 In other birds a size difference is the giveaway : the wheatear is a summer visitor to Shetland , generally leaving in August or September , and it is only when birds of the race which breeds in Greenland , which are distinctly bigger , are seen that we know strangers are passing through .
30 Raising prices in depressed markets both in Britain and in Europe , where 50% of the company 's car sales are made , could have disastrous consequences , warned Arthur Way of the research unit .
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