Example sentences of "[Wh adv] [noun] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Many of the general considerations which arise in connection with computerising recruitment administration are the same as those which arise whenever computerisation within the personnel department is discussed , and this makes it all the more surprising that it is so rarely considered .
2 " This Meeting having with much regret felt the Inconveniences arising to the Island for the Want of a Jail , wherein Disturbers of the Peace and other Transgressors of the Law might be Confined … are of the opinion that Shawfield should be apply 'd to , and these Grievances Stated , that he may of course procure the Sherriff 's warrant to have a Jail Established … "
3 So far as I know , one cause of a general fall in the value of money is not open to dispute , either as theoretically possible or as practically instanced within our own experience : that is the monetisation of debt , in other words , the process whereby part of the expenditure of public authorities is financed by the creation of additional spending power .
4 One attractive hypothesis would be that there is positive feedback , whereby tension in the cable generates an intracellular chemi- cal signal for the maintenance of tension ; this would maintain an activated state in every cell containing a segment of the taut cable .
5 Among its recommendations was the discarding of the existing electoral system whereby members of the Libandla were elected in secret by an 80-member electoral college .
6 Second , there must be a facility whereby members of the profession can establish the acceptability of their behaviour before they embark on it — let us call it ‘ ethical support ’ .
7 Opposition to the current system was most vociferous among ethnic groups who claimed that they were disadvantaged under a system of patronage whereby members of the President 's own ethnic group , the Limba , were favoured in government appointments .
8 The growth of any general practice whereby decisions of the Cabinet or of Cabinet committee were announced as such would lead to the embarrassing result that some decisions of government would be regarded as less authoritative than others .
9 The second part considers how interactions between the child and her linguistically more competent caretakers may create privileged opportunities for language learning , and thereby constitute a form of environmental support for the child 's mastery of language .
10 Perhaps the most distinguishing features of psychological approaches to the study of human development are the assumption of underlying continuities between behaviours at different points in the lifespan , and the attempt to understand how interactions between the individual and the environment at one point in time make possible more elaborate interactions at some later point in time .
11 In his well-known work on asylums ( Goffman , 1961 ) he shows how progress through the wards of a mental hospital can be looked upon as a progress through a system of hazards in the course of which honour and reputation is risked , gained and lost .
12 It also explores how imperfections in the product markets ‘ spill over ’ into the labour markets and vice versa .
13 Team Pension News , which has been written in a bright , punchy style , carries an in-depth analysis of how money from the Mirror pension fund was misappropriated by Maxwell and an explanation of how a repeat can be avoided .
14 For instance , if the clause imposing the obligation only to exercise reasonable endeavours were hidden away in a set of standard terms on the back of a quotation offering in unequivocal terms to paint the house , and the job was otherwise obviously a straightforward one , it is hard to see how reliance on the clause would be reasonable .
15 This is very likely to signify an alliance with her family , and nothing illustrates better how discontent among the English provided political opportunities for the Scandinavians .
16 McClelland ( 1987 ) , on the other hand , shows how discourses upon the nature of work were condensed from a range of social commentators , and incorporated not only arguments about the underlying system of economic relations , but also those about individuality and morality .
17 Since Nepal 's borders were opened in the 1950s Hillary has noticed how attitudes among the Sherpas has changed .
18 But he has yet to explain publicly how traces of the drug Methandianone were found in a urine sample taken on July 15 .
19 This chapter will trace the rise of the leading approaches and show how disputes within the discipline have helped to create a scientific framework for it .
20 Smith ( 1960 ) has shown how images of the Pacific islanders were manipulated in these two directions , and Mitter ( 1977 ) has traced the varied history or European interpretations of Hindu sacred statuary , from viewing them initially as images of the devil , to finally incorporating them as works of art .
21 The difficulties of accounting precisely for how readers of the play text get from the words on the page to judgements concerning the " personalities " of characters are overcome , to some extent , by the analysis of their conversational behaviour and using the powerful interpretative apparatus of discourse analysis and pragmatics to this end .
22 This article attempts to provide some explanations for how readers of the play text or the audience of the dramatic performance are able to recognise character traits , and how these traits are themselves affected by the action of the play .
23 Consequently , it is an ideal location which to study in detail the interrelation between the structure of employment in the labour market and the structure of the domestic division of labour : that is , how work outside the home affects work inside the home , and vice versa .
24 USL declined to reveal how ownership of the subsidiary is apportioned .
25 Sturt and others record how wagons for the Sussex clay country were designed with broad wheels , while those for downland chalk had narrow ones .
26 Given our lack of knowledge of both how circuitry in the brain actually works and how visual perception may be mediated at the neural level , this state of affairs is scarcely surprising .
27 Because of shock caused among audiences by this last line , Eliot was persuaded to alter the passage , so that it is clear that shock is only a part of a deeper message which shows how contact with the primitive can renew values of faith , self-sacrifice , and idealism which seem to have become totally atrophied in the world of London cocktail party and Hollywood film .
28 The following reading , from the final part of Pearson 's book , gives specific examples of how changes in the way in which the law is enforced makes historical comparisons of the rate of criminality virtually impossible .
29 How changes in the money supply occur is discussed in many places .
30 The rest of the extract then examines how changes in the style of policing and law enforcement affect criminal statistics .
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