Example sentences of "[indef pn] can not [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 For one has to recognize that if one had their desires one would not accept principles which rode roughshod over their satisfaction , and this implies that one should not accept them at all , since one can not universalise them to that hypothetical situation in which one would be forced to reject them .
2 My colleagues and I do not believe that the British people will be fooled a second time — one can take a horse to water but one can not make it drink .
3 One can not absorb it and one just turns off .
4 By that I do not mean than one can not pin them down to set feeding patterns on specific waters .
5 This is basically why engineers are traditionally addicted to ‘ ductile ’ materials and really one can not blame them .
6 In a sense one can not blame them for that , but we in the SSPCA feel that it would be much better if some of those payments from the Government came in the form of food tokens which could be redeemed when farmers purchased feeding stocks . ’
7 At the wicket he is a Roman general , unquestioning of his own ability to defeat the barbarians ; yet because the pride and haughtiness are justified by having repeatedly proved himself to be the best , one can not resent them , especially since he usually leaves them on the field of combat .
8 Let us take instead one comparatively small piece of country , which contains every variety of road from the prehistoric trackway to the modern by-pass , so that the detailed differences are brought out : for the interest of an inquiry such as this , and one can not say it too often , lies in the detail of the subject .
9 But one can not have it both ways : for UK wastes ( the import of wastes for landfill is now outlawed ) the options are landfill or incineration , and people local to either hate the one near them .
10 Apparently one can not have it both ways .
11 Fish are very demanding for the draughtsman because one can not put them into an attractive or anthropomorphic pose ; what can sometimes be done is to show the scenery where the fish was caught .
12 However , one can not adopt it on its own , independent of other ideas about the universe .
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