Example sentences of "[indef pn] could [vb infin] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Her father David , of nearby Lytham , said : ‘ You do not think someone could die from a disease in just 10 hours . ’
2 If someone could crawl under the
3 ‘ But it was three-and-a-half years in development and nobody could foresee at the start what the economy would be like now .
4 It was also felt that it was a company which nobody could attack on the grounds of political bias in favour of the project — if anything , thought Walsh , the other way round , after he had seen a portrait of Margaret Thatcher prominently displayed in its Ealing headquarters .
5 But er all of that was negated by the fact with the amount of fire and smoke that was on the platform , nobody could get to the lifeboats .
6 It was found that everyone could fit into the cellars , if the need arose , but £200 had to be spent on fans to improve the ventilation .
7 People got snappy , and nothing could compensate for the lack of leave .
8 But nothing could compare with the two universal sex-symbols of the decade , Marilyn Monroe and Brigitte Bardot .
9 It is such that nothing could get in the way of its operation save changes logically inconsistent with it or with its effect or with a causal sequence of which it and its effect are parts .
10 Nothing could thrive after the wholesale scouring of the planet …
11 Nothing could detract from the atmosphere that Madge 's set created , an otherworld of romantic fairyland , all silver and white and iridescent greens .
12 Nothing could happen until the evening , but then Lucy got her chance to see the inside of Charlie 's office much sooner than she 'd expected .
13 The hostel was fairly close to town and no-one could complain about the prices .
14 The weather was good , scores were high on the day , but no-one could live with the excellent golf from Dermot who kept a steady throughout , pausing only once for a ‘ chuckle ’ as colleague Kevin O'Leary pitched a 9-Iron into the nearby water hazard , albeit the Shannon .
15 It might be thought that so long as one asserted the local sign theory only in principle ( that is , did not specify the precise nature of the ‘ feeling ’ or ‘ colouring ’ which is supposed to subserve localisation ) , one could rely on the testimony of introspection for one 's theory to be confirmed .
16 ‘ Black people are the original people of the Earth , no one could exist on the planet without us and we must wake up , to struggle and do what we have to do to come into power , ’ announces Chester , striding across the stage , as the audience cheers .
17 I never knew a child of one could sleep in a normal size bed .
18 That strength of mind one could sense below the surface , that glow of authority that seemed to radiate from his skin .
19 To be sure , one could sympathize with the sentiments of some of those penitents who refused themselves pleasures because the Emperor , saviour of mankind , could experience no pleasure whatever , locked as he had been for millennia in his prosthetic throne …
20 It was not a satisfactory solution of what came to be called the Southwark Bridge Mystery , but no one could think of a better one .
21 Shamanism , he explained patiently for the three idiot Brits , was a primitive practice of self-denial so that one could travel in the land of the dead and return unscathed .
22 On the other hand , if one could pass through a black hole , one might reemerge anywhere in the universe .
23 It was noted in the introduction to Chapter 21 that , if planning represented the route map for the journey , then organizing represented the means by which one could arrive at the chosen destination .
24 Anybody to whom one could talk about the place ?
25 How could one refuse tenderness to someone so frail and tiny , to someone whose bones one could break with the flick of wrist , to someone who greeted one with smiles and later whoops of purest delight , who wept if one left them , and would die if one neglected them ?
26 By not assigning 9 , but using it as " an octave device " , one could establish as a convention a way of producing a hierarchy of numbers allowing for almost infinite addition in array .
27 However , this says nothing about coordination between agencies and it is here that one could point to the possible role of networks as well .
28 The French delegation led by M. Jean Arrivetz of FACS stressed the desirability of using a mnemonic one could say as a word .
29 I think you know , Lincolnshire has done a dam good job for the people in Lincolnshire whether it in roads , whether it be old peoples homes , or whether it be in schools , whether it be in fire stations , police stations , I admit to where one could say across the board , they could compare , that they could compare , they might compare they might live in one area and work in another .
30 One might speculate that one could jump into a black hole in one place and come out of a white hole in another .
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