Example sentences of "it is reported " in BNC.

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1 It is reported that on 22 March Nijazi Beqa and five other political prisoners there went on a hungers-strike against their conditions .
2 In the same issue , it is reported that Sir Anthony Hidden 's investigation into the Clapham Junction rail crash criticises British Rail for not preventing ‘ commercial considerations of a business-led railway from compromising safety , ’ and asserts that excessive overtime should be ended , and that there should be curbs on overcrowding in trains .
3 Any gift or campaign contribution is legal so long as it is reported .
4 From then on , it is reported , Bonington could hardly stop speaking about Turner .
5 It is reported that , while out riding in Wychwood Forest , he suddenly came face to face with the shade of Amy Robsart .
6 Or so it is reported .
7 Here it is reported that in cities whole neighbourhoods illegally tap overhead lines , part of the reason for the fact that some 40% of gross energy output disappears and revenue always lags well behind billings .
8 It is reported ( EP , 28 December 1987 ) that in the past five years Slovenia has taken full advantage of this arrangement .
9 Official figures give average class sizes as forty to fifty , but it is reported that in the rural areas there are often seventy to eighty children in a class .
10 In that week 's Ross-shire Journal it is reported , amongst other items like the 1,522 soundings taken by the Channel Tunnel Company — ‘ Greater progress in the formation of the Company has been made in France than England ’ — that Sir Kenneth S. MacKenzie , proprietor of Gairloch , was promoting the welfare of his tenants by offering to defray the costs of mail delivery .
11 It is reported that no bones survive the digestive processes of snakes ( Bellairs , 1970 ) .
12 For example it is reported that overstocking in litter-based poultry will result in an overloaded offensive litter ; whilst understocking may also be undesirable , since this may result in a dry and dusty litter which may help disperse the odour over a wide area , unless dust filters are installed .
13 Typical industries utilizing absorption as a method of odour control are metallurgical industries , plastic/production , waste incineration plants , animal by-product industries , and it is reported that absorption scrubber units have been fitted with a fair degree of success on plant processing meat for pet food manufacture and for the production of animal feedstuffs .
14 It is reported that the window blinds had been indecently defaced with coloured chalk .
15 It is reported that Edison set it recording and spoke ‘ Mary had a little lamb ’ into it .
16 It is usually more difficult to deal more effectively with a complaint if it is reported at a later date .
17 It is reported by collectors of folk customs , like George Ewart Evans , as a joyful pagan procession that reached Britain in the eighth century , and was later Christianised and celebrated at Rogationtide , the fifth Sunday after Easter .
18 Ransacked by Afghan invaders , it is reported that the University burned for six months after the event .
19 It is reported to have been used for surveillance of the United Unionist Action Council strike headquarters in May 1977 together with an infinity bug in a newlyinstalled telephone in a committee room .
20 To take a single example , it is reported that the grandchildren of the first European colonists of North America already had eyelid-shapes tending towards those of the Red Indians , which were better adapted to looking out over vast spaces in bright sunlight .
21 It is reported that Polish commanders have lobbied directly with Moscow for higher defence spending in Poland .
22 It is reported that most cohabiting lone parents describe themselves as married and are therefore classified as such ( OPCS , 1985 ) .
23 True , too , Bosnia 's Serbs have won as much land as they want ( though in the territories they control ethnic cleansing continues : about 1,000 Muslims or Croats are leaving northern Bosnia every week , it is reported , after signing papers to say they are going voluntarily ) .
24 Examples can be found in the research literature on elderly people , where it is reported that those without children tend to form equivalent ties with whichever kin are available , typically a niece or nephew , although there is some doubt about whether such a person can properly be expected to provide such extensive or reliable support as a ‘ real ’ child ( Townsend , 1965 ; Allan , 1983 ; Wenger , 1984 ) .
25 In fact , how the rape survivor feels about her experience in the criminal justice process is more likely to be affected by what happens in the police station and then in the courtroom than how it is reported in the press .
26 A case is defined when it is reported as one alleged offender involved in one event or series of events ; also it is regarded as one case where members of the same group are involved in one event or series of events .
27 It is reported that police were satisfied that the wife acted under duress in the various crimes in which she got involved in .
28 It is reported that an Oxford don , was asked , in the 1914 war , why he did not volunteer for the defence of civilization .
29 Currently , it is reported to be in pre-alpha quality assurance , with alpha starting in June and beta later in the quarter .
30 It is reported to have been £1 million .
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