Example sentences of "[indef pn] [vb -s] [adv prt] with [art] " in BNC.

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1 If the organizer calls ‘ submarines ’ everyone lies down with a leg in the air .
2 So when someone walks up with the intention of breaking in a light comes on , I mean at one time , it 's not the same now , but at one time when these lights with the detectors first came out , nobody actually knew whether they were switched on or not .
3 ‘ If someone comes in with a litter of four-month-old puppies and I take them in , would you believe they just come back six months later with the bitch 's next log !
4 ‘ If someone comes out with a car that looks like ours , that has the same windscreen , a roll bar in the same position and so on , that did not happen by accident .
5 Well , if somebody walks round with a pen or a pencil , or crayons .
6 Or working within a bank and somebody runs in with a shotgun , what sort of behaviour then ?
7 in that they 're electrically they really are electrical charges , and somebody comes up with a big positive electrical pole of a a battery
8 All I know is that God is n't a good explanation , so we must wait and hope that somebody comes up with a better one . "
9 If somebody comes up with a suggestion for a change to a procedure , at this meeting , yes you should be looking at what that suggestion for change is but all of you round the table should be thinking , well does that change adversely effect other jobs in our areas and it should n't happen that you will get change after change after change .
10 One starts off with a syndrome and uses it to develop a theory of normal processing .
11 There is now a general agreement that to perceive a three-dimensional object requires that one starts out with a set of models in one 's head of the kinds of things that might exist , and of what a 2-D image of them might look like , and that one should then test the actual images on one 's retina against these models .
12 … however worthy the original intention it is almost inevitable that one ends up with a pretty fair rag-bag and that a carefully drawn long title offers no real defence .
13 The danger in viewing the organisation as a purposeful entity is that one ends up with a highly abstract and artificial analysis .
14 One puts up with the sex for the secret ,
15 One puts up with the secret for the sex
16 I hope everything works out with the girl . ’
17 So he takes her outside and tries to rape her and the other one comes up with a gun and she says let her go .
18 Besides , I do n't think anyone sets out with the intention of hurting people .
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