Example sentences of "[indef pn] [vb past] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 And in fact , I think in recent years what we know as the third world is the fourth , because those oil producing countries in the third world retained the status of being third and everyone got pushed to the fourth .
2 And everyone tried to climb on the bandwagon .
3 He stopped , and there was a pause , and then someone started to clap at the back of the studio , and George , who had been sitting with his chin on his chest , impassively listening , looked up .
4 Someone resolved to escape from the rainboy alliance of layabouts , conmen and weird minorities who have given Labour such a bad name . ’
5 The room seemed to have gone dark , as if someone had turned off the lights , and she wondered if she might be going to faint .
6 It was as though someone had turned on a current of electricity , and with every second that passed the image became brighter and stronger .
7 But someone had built on a large extension to the rear and this housed the kitchen , which as Meredith was to discover , was large , modern and furbished it seemed with every kind of modern gadget .
8 People were throwing things over her garden wall and someone had painted on the front door .
9 She was wearing the huge red skirt she had made out of some curtains someone had sent to the jumble , and a black polo-necked jersey , and she had tied her hair up with the Indian scarf Luke had given her for Christmas .
10 ‘ Dorset , ’ someone had said at a recent dinner .
11 Someone had rummaged through the drawer .
12 And I saw a dear little shed that someone had made into a craft shop , and the woman said no one had been in for ages , and was n't she pleased to see me … ’
13 ‘ It was painted throughout in a very unattractive shade of green , ’ she explains , ‘ and someone had plumbed in a WC there — what a bizarre thing to do . ’
14 On his first day of arrival he was told the authorities had closed EuroDisney down and when he asked why , he was told someone had reported to the authorities that a six foot mouse was walking round the day before .
15 My father-in-law died and someone had to look after the business .
16 Once in the park , Joyce 's mother had stopped to talk to another young woman while Joyce herself sat watching some birds pecking at the remains of a sandwich that someone had dropped on the path .
17 But the slivers , so moist , so delicious , had been interleaved with greaseproof paper , and the white tray in which they lay had looked so very like the ones she had looked at with hopeless longing in Marks and Spencer , except that someone had torn off the label .
18 It looked as if someone had left in a hurry .
19 The dead man lay face-downwards and someone had smashed in the back of his head with a heavy smooth object .
20 In the same instant someone had leapt for the window .
21 So it was that by the time Hugh and Twoflower entered the courtyard of the Broken Drum the leaders of a number of them were aware that someone had arrived in the city who appeared to have much treasure .
22 Someone had put on a Roy Orbison album and she slipped into the man 's arms to the strains of ‘ Crying ’ .
23 Someone had put on a record , slow , lazy music , and the couples on the floor were n't really dancing , merely clinging to each other like limpets , nuzzling each other 's necks .
24 Someone had put on the stereo and music drifted from the sitting-room .
25 Someone had come down the stairs in a hurry and turned sharply to go towards the back of the house .
26 Someone had come into a study meeting and said ‘ Would anyone volunteer to do the washing ? ’
27 Someone had come from the school and seen Emma , who had laughed them to scorn .
28 She drank a mouthful of unchemicated Chianti someone had brought from the Castello Crocetto .
29 Why was it everyone seemed to go for the easy way out ?
30 But it was difficult to see why they would , given that everyone seemed to agree with the current policy .
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