Example sentences of "[indef pn] [prep] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And thank you everyone for the lovely presents for our new home .
2 June had asked Hilda Lodge to thank everyone for the lovely flowers sent to her during her recent stay in hospital .
3 Janice sends very many thanks to everyone for the lovely flowers she received while in hospital recently and thanks also to the super evening she spent at Avery Hill Easter Party .
4 But of course these benefits did nothing for the increasing number of lone mothers who were not widows but who were unmarried or , more commonly , divorced or separated .
5 ‘ I shall do nothing for the simple reason that — knowing Doreen — it would be a waste of time and effort .
6 When the adjective is one which qualifies sense , one would expect the altered phrase to have become quite useless — perhaps even to be designated as ungrammatical — precisely because such adjectives require exhibition of the properties involved in the noun in order to have their own effect , by combining with those properties ; so , if the noun or pronoun head of the phrase merely indicates entity-hood without mentioning any properties , there is nothing for the sense-qualifying adjective to work on .
7 His production of Mrs Warren 's Profession for the National Theatre in 1971 steered cunningly clear of melodrama ; his Much Ado About Nothing for the Royal Shakespeare Company in 1971 featured white parasols and sun-dappled lawns that seemed to evoke the world of Turgenev .
8 The Labour party has learnt nothing about the deep-seated wish of the British people for local government structures that reflect what they feel about their local communities , and units of government that mean something to them and are not imposed on them .
9 Bite One : ‘ The Secretary of State told us about the silver lining — he told us nothing about the dark clouds on the horizon . ’
10 Marenches thought that Carter knew absolutely nothing about the Middle East .
11 It means giving the report to someone who knows little or nothing about the actual subject and asking them to say what they do n't understand about it , right down to individual words and sentences .
12 Carr drove home fundamental points , but said nothing about the actual working practices of historians , and , in his inspirational advocacy of a new kind of socialist history , left students with the impression that the solid , source-based stuff which formed their staple diet might as well be cast into the dustbin .
13 It says nothing about the actual conditions of re-identification of any such topic .
14 Moreover , an explicit claim to multiple points of view tells us nothing about the actual practice of using them .
15 It did nothing about the immediate problems , and so , probably inevitably , came to be seen as a form of inaction .
16 A 26-year-old woman accountant who knew nothing about the mechanical side of vehicles asked her more knowledgeable friend to find a car for her .
17 So Libet 's experiments tell us something interesting about the information processing going on in the subject 's brain but they tell us nothing about the temporal relationship between physical events — either inside or outside the brain — and conscious experiences .
18 Mr H knew nothing about the new law when he arrived in the UK .
19 He had arrived in Europe knowing nothing about the European motor industry or the Continent 's political and economic environment , except from what he had read on the subject at Harvard Business School and in Detroit Central Office reports .
20 He disapproved of his bishop ( A. A. David ) for the tough way in which he handled three recalcitrant Anglo-Catholic priests who refused to conform to rules laid down by the bishop and yet did nothing about the radical dean of the cathedral who did things equally nonconforming in a Low Church direction .
21 And Clara , who could see no elegant way of enlarging this tantalizing scrap of information , had to make do with it — she dared not ask any further , for she knew nothing about the Labour Party , nor about the elder Ash 's political views , nor about A. J. Warbley himself , beyond the fact that his name was written up in black Gothic letters over his son 's shop door .
22 As a consequence , the changes produced will tell you nothing about the normal functions of that part .
23 Mr Noyes will claim the MoD said nothing about the alleged landing because it wanted to save any embarrassment .
24 The book had worthy intentions , and the text made some good points , but the illustrations were weak and said nothing about the real conditions of the poor .
25 This may be true at the population genetic level , but it tells us absolutely nothing about the developmental complexity of the process itself .
26 The tragedy is , we 've done nothing about the exclusive reliance on interest rates , we 've done nothing about the continuing erosion of jobs , and particularly so in the regions , er and this government has er wasted the summer months ; when it could have taken action it has merely compounded the problems that are of it 's own creation in the mismanagement of the economy .
27 The landowner , who now lives in Wales , knew nothing about the planned event .
28 But western audiences know next to nothing about the martial arts .
29 The tragedy is , we 've done nothing about the exclusive reliance on interest rates , we 've done nothing about the continuing erosion of jobs , and particularly so in the regions , er and this government has er wasted the summer months ; when it could have taken action it has merely compounded the problems that are of it 's own creation in the mismanagement of the economy .
30 They knew nothing about the drive-away alternative , neither did we but it was n't hard to find out .
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