Example sentences of "[indef pn] [prep] [art] [num ord] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Erm then er I introduced somebody on the seventeenth for this teaching post , for the sewing club which Noel unofficially told me and Donald also rang up and said that we were going to get the money so I I 've already employed somebody , I have n't got the letter yet .
2 None of the second to ninth defendants appeared at the hearing but all the arguments available to them were put by counsel for the ombudsman .
3 There 's something about the sixteenth in your house .
4 The conduct of the elections attracted considerable interest , being the one of the first to be held in a traditionally single-party state since the recent adoption of pluralist systems by a number of sub-Saharan African states [ for Gabon elections see this page ] .
5 I think this one of the last of them now .
6 Meat consumption had increased by something like a third between 1870 and 1890 , and working-class people had begun to eat fruit , which had previously been a luxury .
7 But of course since that boom in the sixties we 've had the seventies ' economic depression , uncertainty about the future , the problem of the bomb , changed family attitudes , better contraception erm a great drop , and in fact a population a birth fall rather , of something like a third between nineteen sixty four and nineteen sixty seven .
8 Something like a third of the increase has been taken up in higher prices , with the prices of some capital goods , such as houses , actually doubling .
9 Thoroughly wet wood has something like a third of the strength and stiffness of completely dry wood .
10 But if we take a guess that there are thirty thousand , this means that in nineteen-ninety , three million people , or something like a tenth of the entire working population , will be engaged in writing materials for computers .
11 This is the reason for the invention of the electron microscope which uses electrons with a wave-length of something like a twenty-fifth of an Ångström instead of light with a wave-length of about four thousand Ångströms .
12 And he said , are you still doing that one on the twentieth of March ?
13 To go back to the Gdynia one on the ninth of October nineteen forty three , I have to state that when our crew arrived in England we went to er through school at Bovingdon for a couple of weeks then we were assigned to the Ninety Second Bomb Group and they wan na be sure we fit in .
14 But this is the crew and the picture that flew to Colesfield on the tenth of October of forty three and we had nothing out of the ordinary to report about that mission and that was the Gdynia Mission the day before , it certainly stands out on our minds because of the length of it and then of course the next one on the fourteenth of October to Schweinfurt which changed our lives .
15 We had to sail ( or rather motor ) the boat precisely along three straight line courses , changing from one to the next at exactly the right places otherwise we would have a most unpleasant encounter with Bogha nan Ramfhear .
16 In that final quarter , though , Wooderson had a lot of people to pass — on the inside , of course , for this was a gentlemen 's race — and he zipped smoothly from one to the next to the finish line .
17 The championship committee promptly diverted the unclaimed £150 prize for a one at the ninth into his appreciative hands .
18 This was a case of Gentlemen versus Players in the golden age when such distinctions still applied and when it was obvious to anyone with an eighth of an intelligence that no paid journeyman could ever begin to compare with the rapier-like ‘ amateurs ’ who flitted with effortless superiority , solving one crime after another with a brilliant insouciance which was the dismay of the criminal fraternity , the envy of the constabulary , and a source of immense satisfaction to most of the upper middle class , especially those with an aptitude for the Times crossword .
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