Example sentences of "[indef pn] [prep] [Wh det] [pron] could " in BNC.

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1 There was nothing about him he could understand , nothing of which he could be sure .
2 After that there was a good meal of mutton stew and Aunt Sarah 's feather-light dumplings ( none of which anyone could eat ) and they went to bed early .
3 It seemed Noah wanted the magistrate to find nothing with which he could possibly take issue .
4 There was nothing with which she could find fault , and eventually she turned to Mr Miller and said , ‘ You 've got a wonderful collection here and I 'm full of admiration at the way in which you look after them . ’
5 It was everything for which he could have asked .
6 There were ripples of self-satisfied laughter , as if to have such a mad dream was something for which they could congratulate themselves .
7 Looking back , I can not deny that the grant of the licence was something of which he could legitimately complain , but his capacity for complaints exceeded any normal human being 's by a very large measure .
8 Although Darwin had guessed that the Galapagos birds originated from there , because the Galapagos were so young , it was not something of which he could be certain .
9 Yet if we deny the creature this understanding , which even Clark himself seems to acknowledge , yet insist with him that it nonetheless fears death , then it is in the distinctly paradoxical position of fearing something of which it could not , in any sense , be aware .
10 A disconcerting person , Emily Dickinson , but her shrinking from the sexual side of life was something with which one could entirely sympathize .
11 Something with which we could go to the customer and say , ‘ This is the sort of thing it is now possible to do .
12 I looked round for something with which I could knock him out after we had taken off .
13 What he meant was they might be able to come off the building sites , and fall into a featherbed job , one in which they could wear nice suits and drive fancy cars , in return for looking after one very rich old man 's ‘ interests ’ .
14 Two fifteenth-century archbishops of Canterbury , Chichele and Bourchier , write of ‘ the Church of England ’ in terms which show that they regarded it as a distinctive entity within the Church Universal , and one in which they could take considerable national pride .
15 This early atmosphere was not one in which we could have survived .
16 The ideal working dress would , therefore , be one in which you could reach up high to bring down the best china , bend down low to pick up the dropped toy , feel comfortable in for walking around the park and pushing a pram or playing ball , not worry about if baby food was deposited on it , move around in easily with a baby on your hip and cover up totally for rolling out pastry or helping with painting .
17 She had a sick daughter , a fractious grandchild and a life which needed rethinking , one in which she could , perhaps , occasionally persuade Liza to come to Penzance with her for whatever meagre amusement the place might afford : a film or maybe a concert .
18 It 's not something on which one could fault the Victorians , for instance . ’
19 I did n't envy them their individual futures , which seemed dull or trivial to me , but I did envy the fact they had futures at all , whereas I had none , or , at least , not one to which I could look forward with any confidence .
20 A number of tradesmen in the timber , textile and tin-plate industries looked upon coffin-making and funeral furnishing as something by which they could profit , and it was not unknown for some to meet with such success that they abandoned their established trade to go into undertaking full time .
21 But , of course , there was nothing on which she could strike the flint .
22 Nothing to what you could see tonight . ’
23 These developed from the legal concept of ultra vires ( beyond the strength ) which , since the mid nineteenth century , had prohibited local councils from doing anything for which they could not show precise legal authority .
24 When he was enthusiastic about a subject , and I imagined he would turn his back on anything about which he could not enthuse , he leant forward on his bar stool , his thigh beating against it .
25 But there were never any open words expressing the inflection , never anything to which he could raise objection .
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