Example sentences of "[indef pn] [modal v] [verb] with the " in BNC.

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1 No-one should argue with the concept of greater efficiency in the BBC , but the reforms are also meant to be about decentralising power to where the creativity resides .
2 But nothing could compare with the two universal sex-symbols of the decade , Marilyn Monroe and Brigitte Bardot .
3 The weather was good , scores were high on the day , but no-one could live with the excellent golf from Dermot who kept a steady throughout , pausing only once for a ‘ chuckle ’ as colleague Kevin O'Leary pitched a 9-Iron into the nearby water hazard , albeit the Shannon .
4 None would quibble with the subtitle : Reflections on a life of happiness and fun .
5 At the earliest convenience , one should register with the port authority office , located in the low building beside the marina .
6 To understand de Gaulle 's monarchy , one must begin with the man himself , since he believed so firmly that policy should reflect an individual will rather than an ideology or a process of political bargaining .
7 In general , one notable but not fully comprehensive style ( or two or more styles which do not correspond ) is in evidence : another , " indefinite " style accompanies the individual — such as one might expect with the work of a mosaicist and a number of helpers .
8 To be sure , one could sympathize with the sentiments of some of those penitents who refused themselves pleasures because the Emperor , saviour of mankind , could experience no pleasure whatever , locked as he had been for millennia in his prosthetic throne …
9 How could one refuse tenderness to someone so frail and tiny , to someone whose bones one could break with the flick of wrist , to someone who greeted one with smiles and later whoops of purest delight , who wept if one left them , and would die if one neglected them ?
10 Occasionally one could dispense with the bran and undersheet and purchase a tailored mattress ; likewise the sides could be padded and buttoned and a pillow provided .
11 One would deal with the three London Partnerships , and there would be others established in Birmingham , Liverpool , Manchester — Salford and Newcastle — Gateshead .
12 The electrical field also becomes confused if two fish using signals on the same frequency happen to meet , for one will interfere with the other .
13 It seemed that anybody could live with the small Louis XIV marquetry table , more an objet d'art than a piece of furniture .
14 A man can not be said to be truly willing unless he is in a position to choose freely , and freedom of choice predicates , not only full knowledge of the circumstances on which the exercise of choice is conditioned , so that he may be able to choose wisely , but the absence from his mind of any feeling of constraint so that nothing shall interfere with the freedom of his will ( Scott LJ in Bowater v Rowley Regis Corporation [ 1944 ] KB 476 ) .
15 No-one would argue with the statistics — marriage breakdown has reached epidemic proportion , so the CMAC must make sure that everyone knows of its existence .
16 I ca n't see anyone can disagree with the objection
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