Example sentences of "[indef pn] [adj] to the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 There are many parts of greater energy in Jane Eyre , than , none equal to the following and the quotation is the death of Helen Burns .
2 Of a total of 14 portfolios , nine went to the ruling Liberal Party ( PL ) , two to the Conservative Party ( PSC ) , one each to the National Salvation Movement ( MSN ) and to the New Democratic Forces ( NFD ) , and one as before to Camilo González Pozo , a member of the left-wing April-19 Movement Democratic Alliance ( ADM-19 ) , who remained Health Minister .
3 The other available forms of pre-testing for print ads by means of survey research are all elaborations of the folder test — for example , an ad can be inserted into an actual magazine rather than a folder to provide something nearer to the real world .
4 It is not something peculiar to the Royal Family — people have very humdrum existences and the Royals provide a bit of excitement .
5 Nobody can say that depressions were something peculiar to the 1930s .
6 You could write something similar to the following example anywhere in your program where you wished this calculation to be carried out .
7 It would like something similar to the G-24 that co-ordinates western aid to Eastern Europe .
8 I 'm really looking for something similar to the national parks article which appeared on page 19 of the last edition , written in an urgent , campaigning style .
9 This is of course something extra to the continuous backing of detail , of weather conditions , locality and so on , which is part of the texture of this kind of story ; it is delivered in a more deliberate and even laboured manner .
10 Something akin to the contemporary pattern of hooliganism has long existed in Glasgow as a result of Irish Catholic immigration and militant working-class Scottish Protestantism .
11 This would bring us to something akin to the fundamental propositions of science .
12 These schemes , then , can be summarized under the following heads : we run residency and award schemes , we run grants to artists and craftsmen and photographers , we run an artists in school scheme , which involves placement of and artist for two weeks or so in a local secondary school , we offer payments to artists for exhibiting in certain galleries , something akin to the public lending right , we also provide assistance for the purchase and commissioning of contemporary work , and finally we run an artists ' register , which is a slide register of work of artists within the region , which is accessible to anyone who wants to come along and look at it , whether they are organizing an exhibition or thinking of commissioning a piece for their own living rooms , or perhaps a piece for their town hall or public library or whatever .
13 This was shortly before another concession had been granted — one more to the British at the expense of the Russians .
14 Anna smiled pleasantly and said something unrepeatable to the nearest driver .
15 Only then will they be able to decide whether they see community education as something complementary to the formal adult education provision or an alternative system pursuing distinct and radical objectives .
16 William Pitt , First Earl of Chatham , should have had pall-bearers equal in rank to himself , but this was not to be and in a letter written in 1778 following the funeral in Westminster Abbey , the nineteen-year-old Pitt the Younger said to his mother , ‘ The Court did not honour us with their countenance , nor did they suffer the procession to be as magnificent as it ought ; but it had , notwithstanding everything essential to the great object , the attendance being most remarkable .
17 For example , John Hull argues that " there is a theology appropriate to the concrete thinker just as there is one available to the abstract thinker " ( Hull 1991 : 13 ) .
18 ‘ Men have authority over women because Allah has made one superior to the other , and because they spend their wealth to maintain them ’ says the Koran .
19 At the time of the uprising , Marx found in the form of government which the Paris revolutionary leaders established , something superior to the parliamentary system of democracy .
20 Here , the Government like to claim that those without jobs are guaranteed a two-year YT place , but even that , something inferior to the German model , is not being delivered .
21 The contours of the political system can not be seen as something external to the mass media , something on which they have an ‘ impact ’ , since they play a part in its determination by , for instance , giving meanings to events , by setting the agenda for debate and by shaping the political climate .
22 Everyone who took part in this charitable challenge thoroughly enjoyed the day , and we all felt we had contributed something worthwhile to the local community .
23 We also find something close to the marked language characteristic of fabliaux in Dame Sirith 's parting words to Wilekin .
24 Cherbonnier & Sibuet ( 1972 ) consider S. pulvirus to be distinct from S. verrilli because the infradental papillae lie above the teeth and are contiguous , not lying on the same level as and separated by the ventral most tooth as in Lyman 's holotype , and the ventralmost tooth , i.e. the one next to the infradental papillae is block-like whereas in the holotype of S. verrilli it is tricuspid .
25 Said one insider : " We did n't want any International incidents with players who might say something indiscreet to the tabloid press . "
26 There is , then , nothing contrary to the normal operation of language in the proposition that lexical items of high generality like then and now should be given grammatical status as in the examples given earlier .
27 The Report of the Committee said nothing surprising to the interested or informed about poverty and malnutrition .
28 In the end there is nothing external to the broadest and most significant institutions .
29 Publicity is nothing new to the genial Ruscoe , however , who has been the focus of considerable interest since moving to his Orkney telefarm six years ago .
30 While EC competition law has nothing equivalent to the wide ‘ public-interest ’ test of UK law , Article 85(3) does permit the granting of exemptions for agreements between firms that can be shown to produce beneficial effects .
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