Example sentences of "[indef pn] [adj] about the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Excuse me , please , ’ she said politely , but there was nothing polite about the angry , scornful glitter in her grey eyes .
2 I find the remark significant for the assumption which is made that there was nothing harmful about the previous view of the relation between men and women ; indeed the previous view may have accorded with the divine will and our present outlook not .
3 But there was nothing quaint about the masculine form that adorned it .
4 Gas hotplates on ordinary cookers have hardly changed in decades but there is nothing ordinary about the new Discovery .
5 But there is nothing homely about the general effect .
6 There is nothing inevitable about the penal crisis which we have described in Chapter 1 .
7 Parents and teachers claim Rainbow deliberately plays down the risk of contracting Aids from homosexual relationships by suggesting there is nothing frightening about the gay lifestyle .
8 There was nothing elaborate about the small accommodation units , but , as Jean had said , they were cosy .
9 There is nothing unusual about the feline ‘ mad dash ’ .
10 Calm waters only belong to stagnant pools , and there is nothing stagnant about the new Conservative Britain . ’
11 There was nothing distinctive about the black London taxi except that it swooped to pick Rain up when she had not hailed it .
12 If Graham can write something solid about the lousy deal research gets in this country , it can do nothing but good .
13 There was something odd about the whole procedure because there was no great urgency .
14 From the very first , I had sensed something wrong about the long-haired Mamba … for one thing a man should not be that beautiful .
15 There was something suicidal about the whole pretentious enterprise , which Dustin should have been talked down from before he leaped .
16 Something unpleasant about the whole affair do n't you think ? ’
17 Since studies of the volatility-maturity relationship for other assets have found much more support for the Samuelson hypothesis ( even when the high and low prices are not used in measuring volatility ) , this suggests there is something different about the volatility-maturity relationship for index futures .
18 There was something stimulating about the warmed air so heavy with the smells of living .
19 There was something reptilian about the old man 's grip .
20 It prompts the question whether there is not something inexorable about the mindless march of technology ; are we doomed to be everlastingly in retreat before the insidious advances of electronic information systems ?
21 But there was something disturbing about the sheer unreasoning rage behind them .
22 At the very least , therefore , mysticism must tell us something important about the human mind .
23 There is something familiar about the single shoe in the road or the hoof print in the mud , yet Louise Short elevates these fragments by preserving them as plaster casts and ordering them in installations which trace the passage of people and animals .
24 There was something familiar about the checked suit , lit up by the flashing blue light .
25 There was something familiar about the feminine umbrella with its orange roses and Spanish flamenco frill that was shaken firmly before the green headsquared figure bent to enter .
26 There was something fishy about the whole set-up .
27 There was something nightmarish about the slow approach of the lorry .
28 As BS knows everything relevant about the physical state of affairs , the things that he does not know about are not physical states of affairs .
29 With this second novel , Amy Tan has again proved herself to be a first class writer , one who can write books which not only have enormous popular appeal , but also teach us something new about the human condition .
30 There was something cabalistic about the bandy legs of a road sweeper , who stood with his back to me leaning on his outstretched broom as on a catamaran while he lit his pipe … .
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