Example sentences of "[indef pn] [verb] [prep] the way " in BNC.

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1 Inspired , yes , by a bus run , but the booler is definitely my own husband who is devoted to sport and allows nothing to come in the way of his bowls , both indoor and outdoor bowling .
2 She was kicking herself for forgetting the most basic Capricorn trait of allowing nothing to stand in the way of their goal .
3 I prefer a more recessed sound with the guitar shade more forward , but nothing stands in the way of a hearty recommendation .
4 Nothing stands in the way but cultural inertia . "
5 ‘ I suppose it 's feasible that a girl with your looks and brains could drive someone to behave in the way you 've described .
6 Nobody spoke on the way back to the truck .
7 There 's one at Kentish Town , a businessman who smokes big fat cigars like this and he 's half finished them and he throws them on the train and when the doors open no-one clears out the way and he steps on and he 's such as bastard
8 Understandably , Kendall could hardly contain himself , but it was nothing compared to the way he celebrated Peter Beardsley 's winner six minutes from the end .
9 The Astra has been accused of having poor suspension control , but it 's nothing compared with the way the LeBaron behaves .
10 ‘ The entire concept of artistic licence and innovation , on which we put such a high premium these days has nothing to do with the way much early Northern painting was created .
11 Has this extensive network of connections nothing to do with the way contentious issues like discrimination against women or minorities pollution , state welfare , or housing costs were kept from the political agenda for so long ?
12 How can you say that has nothing to do with the way you feel ?
13 One thinks of the way in which the industry set up a factory , with considerable Government money , to produce Skoal Bandits , and then blatantly promoted that carcinogenic product , which promotes mouth cancers , to children in nearby schools .
14 Clearly , everything depends on the way in which the grant is closed .
15 You can not expect her to agree wholeheartedly with everything connected with the way you run your home and raise your family , but you must not tolerate any interference in matters that are your concern -just as you must resist the temptation to try to tell her how she should run any part of her life .
16 Phil Collins — ‘ Something Happened On The Way to Heaven ’
17 Phil Collins — ‘ Something Happened On The Way to Heaven ’
18 The success of the cold war formula had everything to do with the way in which , at least in the West , it commanded a broad bipartisan political consensus and incorporated the dominant parties of the Left .
19 ‘ Yes — but I have something to do on the way .
20 Which probably had something to do with the way that what we sold would reappear slightly redone in Acme six months later .
21 ‘ It is something to do with the way that people want to chop your head off once you get successful . ’
22 It must have something to do with the way the language heaps noun upon noun .
23 Beauty , I thought , was something to do with the way a face betrayed character .
24 Presumably it was something to do with the way that Jenner approached his work .
25 ‘ Perhaps it 's got something to do with the way Dane looks at you when you 're not aware of it — or vice versa .
26 It is not for me to help Scottish Tories in those circumstances , but I suggest to them that it may have something to do with the way in which the Government treat Scotland in legislative terms .
27 Harold , through to the first quarter-final of his professional career , said : ‘ This is obviously my best ever win , and while Stephen did n't play well I like to think it was something to do with the way I played . ’
28 On reflection she believed it was something to do with the way she looked — her casual dress .
29 It 's something to do there 's a clue the clue to Switzerland is something to do with the way that they make their electricity .
30 We had one split on the way up .
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