Example sentences of "[indef pn] [verb] [adv] on [art] " in BNC.

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1 They 're well-disposed enough , all the Percy tribe , because their own holdings are in the north , and they have nothing to lose here on the Welsh border .
2 ‘ Perhaps someone got through on a short-wave transmitter ? ’
3 Outside , sprockets whirred as someone rode past on a bicycle .
4 But I quite see that you need someone to come in on a practical issue like what to do about his tenants .
5 ‘ What was once a one mile journey into Garrison for someone living just on the other side of the border became a 26 mile round trip .
6 At the same time I could hear someone tapping frantically on the glass door of the kiosk , someone far too anxious to clamber in with me .
7 Evening , music , a drink , and someone coming home on the six-eighteen .
8 ‘ We 've got someone coming in on a blue light , a young man who 's fallen under a train .
9 Before Taczek could say anything more someone tapped rapidly on the door .
10 For example , someone setting out on a journey to a malarial zone would be best advised to rely on drugs rather than trusting the stars ' message alone as a protection against the disease .
11 Someone pull in on the fishing-line , ’ he ordered .
12 One of the first questions you get asked of anybody when they first come on a training course here , er , certainly a sort of foundation course , is that somebody writes up on the board there T N T , and says what does that stand for ?
13 It was rather pathetic sometimes because he was upset at somebody going down on a discipline charge and getting the sack .
14 Nobody talked much on the way out .
15 In fact nobody said much on the way back .
16 Probably not , if one insists absolutely on the principle of non-repetition .
17 ‘ She went , because Nicola was never one to miss out on a chance to push herself forward .
18 In the thick of a stubborn recession , his Government portfolio is a tricky one to carry around on the General Election campaign .
19 But she shared one crucial thing with the whole of that community , friends and enemies : awareness that the struggle was not just a Scottish matter , but something fought out on the international stage .
20 The transit baggage had not been loaded and customs officials and police were insisting on all cases being opened and everything laid out on the floor .
21 The more one looks back on the record the more one is impressed by the role of Mrs Thatcher as a dominant figure and as an illustration of the power of the Prime Minister .
22 The shop assistant 's attention was suddenly caught by something happening out on the road , in the passing traffic .
23 It is difficult to draw a line between a company car that is a pure perk and one used constantly on the job by a salesman or service engineer .
24 One party would be returned to office with an overall majority and implement its manifesto program , a program neither known nor supported by most electors and one drawn up on the basis more of party dogma than of a dispassionate and well-informed analysis of Britain 's problems .
25 Very occasionally one ends up on the wrong side of the Atlantic .
26 I could leave everything lying about on the floor and nothing would get broken !
27 We seem to have a labour party that treats education as some kind of middle class hobby that thinks of education spending as something spent only on the bourgeoisie , something to do with a university , something not really important for ordinary people .
28 In common with most teenagers , David took a couple of part-time jobs , one riding around on a pushbike with a basket on the front for a butcher , and another working for a record shop owned by Vic Furlong .
29 Yet , property taxes on Pocahontas-Kentucky 's surface land hardly yield enough to buy a bus for the county school system , and the $76 the county receives as payment on the mineral rights would not buy the bus a new tyre to replace the one worn out on the county 's unpaved and rough coal-hauling roads . ’
30 So today at RAF Lyneham they made sure everything went right on the ground before they got in the air .
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