Example sentences of "[indef pn] [verb] [prep] [art] [det] " in BNC.

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1 The drawback is the cost of insisting that everyone goes for the same type of equipment .
2 In many households it is conventional for everyone to retire at the same time , and to re-emerge simultaneously in the morning , with scant toleration being shown to individuals who do not conform .
3 But even if we did have some such reason — even if we thought it slightly more natural for right-handed people , who form the majority , to drive on the right — our reasons for wanting everyone to drive on the same side would still be much stronger .
4 Surely someone moving toward the light ought to measure it traveling at a higher speed than someone moving in the same direction as the light ; yet the experiment showed that both observers would measure exactly the same speed .
5 In the Middle Ages everyone ate in the same manner — like pigs .
6 No underhand tactics as then , everything out in the open , everyone operating to the same rules .
7 Nothing came of the latter , but about 1838 he demonstrated a fairly successful hot-air engine in London , suitable for a road vehicle .
8 Nobody cares about a few thousand Masai .
9 ‘ I did n't understand what he meant , and nothing happened for a few weeks , so I did not feel so worried .
10 This meant everyone pulling in the same direction , and I was convinced there was a win/win opportunity : for business objectives and for employees .
11 No other state went so far as this ; but then none needed to , for none started from the same position of isolation and estrangement from the outside world .
12 He wants everyone pointing in the same direction , and that means a common culture and a common status .
13 It was only later that he found out that nearly everyone suffers from the same delusion in one form or another ; at the time he was convinced that it was his own personal idiosyncrasy .
14 He tried other doors : one opened into a former barn , now a workshop .
15 To every breathed consonant ( other than the glottal stop ) there is a corresponding voiced consonant , ie one produced with the same position or movement of the articulating organs , but with voice substituted for breath or vice versa .
16 In principle for any word bearing an inflectional affix , it is possible to find contexts where all possible substitutes must contain either the same affix , or one belonging to the same closed set : consider the possible substitutes for walked in Cedric walked home , longer in Mine is longer than yours or books in those books .
17 The embodiment of light is masculine , that of the dark is feminine , and thus a religion based on the former will tend to be served by priests , and one based on the latter by priestesses .
18 In non-western countries the model of health care which has been imported and which is still often considered to be optimal is one based on the same medical model .
19 If one leans towards the former view , it is not to belittle the other .
20 What one hopes , of course , is to find that one comes to the same conclusions from using the neuropsychological method as from using psychological methods of investigation : and , as we will show in Chapter 9 , such agreements between conclusions do actually occur .
21 Everyone wore the same clothes , shoes and hairstyles , everyone listened to the same music , went the same places , lived in the same type of houses , and even read all the same books !
22 Does everybody learn in the same way , or in different ways ?
23 You know you can hear everyone talking at the same it 's recording at the same time you can hear everyone talking like sort of really clearly .
24 Club members — they have all either undergone open heart surgery themselves or have helped loved ones through the ordeal — display this zest for life which would encourage anyone faced with the same ordeal .
25 The way I think of the band is kind of like puzzle pieces ; to me the secret of an effective arrangement is not for everyone to push towards the same kind of sound , but for everyone to play something that 's contrasting but interlocking , so that when you listen to the song , all the pieces fall into place around each other .
26 After all , not everyone learns in the same way .
27 The manager has the board 's full support and we have got to try and get everyone working in the same direction . ’
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