Example sentences of "to whom the " in BNC.

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1 The system manager would also be the contact to whom the supplier would turn when arranging suitable dates for updating software , for example , and other maintenance work .
2 Sir Kenneth Newman , to whom the report was presented , candidly admitted he would not have commissioned it in the first place ( it was commissioned by his predecessor , Sir David McNee ) , while the official Police Federation magazine ( Police , December 1983 ) concluded in an editorial :
3 If the current trend continues , the landowners to whom the bothies belong , could decide that enough is enough and withdraw their permission for usage .
4 Between them Stavrogin and Dasha Shatov , Shatov 's sister , the girl to whom the letter is addressed , have conjured the word ‘ nurse ’ which is a term of art as metaphysical as anything in Notes from Underground and impossible to match in the other post-Siberian novels .
5 He does not mention this book , but he does quote Lewis to the effect that ‘ nearly all our older poetry was written and read by men to whom the distinction between poetry and rhetoric , in its modern form , would have been meaningless . ’
6 The postwar generation , unschooled in the brutality of hardships of war and reconstruction , compares its lot with that of West Germans , with double their standard of living , rather than with their neighbours to the East , to whom the mountains of sausages and pigs ' trotters in butchers ' shops would seem like a dream come true .
7 Mr Rampton read out a military report which said that parts of Austria under the Tito forces , to whom the Yugoslavs were to be repatriated , were being ruled by terror .
8 More moderate temperaments , to whom the patterning seemed a sort of death in the first place , are apt to remain stubbornly cheerful .
9 Until the beginning of NEP they constituted a disparate group of individuals to whom the party appealed for letters on local affairs , but in 1922 they acquired their official title and were subject to much more pressure from the centre .
10 W/Cpl Burns informs the Volkspoliqei that their request is outside the terms of the Agreement , and that if they want any details they must call for a Soviet officer , to whom the information will be given .
11 The ministers and officials at the Department of Trade to whom the Palache Report was submitted were less concerned about the inner workings of the film industry than with how to respond to Treasury demands that they work to secure foreign currency .
12 But it is Judit to whom the chess world most readily gives the title of genius : last year , aged 13 , she achieved a Grandmaster norm and became the world 's top-ranking woman player .
13 Its list of down-under clients is embarrassing : Mr Christopher Skase 's defunct media conglomerate , Qintex ; a bankrupt trans-Tasmanian property developer , Equiticorp ; Rothwell 's , a dud Perth-based merchant bank ; the fraud-ridden National Safety Council of Victoria ; and Mr Alan Bond , to whom the bank is thought to have had almost $1 billion in loans outstanding at the peak , a figure now cut by half .
14 For the horologist the nominal essence of the clock is an idea of its real essence ; in this he differs from the gazing countryman , to whom the nominal essence is simply some combination of various observable features .
15 Our medieval law of guardianship was concerned mainly with infants who were heirs of land ; and though the ‘ guardian in socage ’ — the nearest relation of the infant to whom the infant 's land can not descend — has not been abolished , the practice of settlement and of appointing trustees in whom the land , or at least powers over it , are vested , renders rare the occasions on which the very limited powers of such or any kind of guardians can be exercised over an infant 's land .
16 Revocation by the principal , his death , and in some cases his insanity , put an end to the agent 's authority , though in general a revocation will be inoperative as against those to whom the principal has held out the agent as having authority , and who have no notice of the revocation .
17 The income of a trust is liable to income tax at the rate applicable to the beneficiary to whom the income is paid .
18 He walks to the crease with a swagger , totally confident , undoubtedly one of the few batsmen to whom the word ‘ Unforgettable ’ could be applied without risk of hyperbole .
19 So here is mystery with a vengeance — we seem to have the attractive idea that Christ died for you and me , he went to the utmost limit for us , he gave everything away , and in some mysterious and tantalizing fashion he took my sin and yours upon himself , but we can not say to whom the price was paid !
20 For pious people , to whom the experience had until then been denied , the solemn hour of departure offered a final chance .
21 ‘ My husband was a cousin of the young lady to whom the son of the house was engaged .
22 So it is the middle class and upper middle class to whom the parliamentary party now belongs .
23 In come the Estonians , ’ Harold Macmillan is said to have remarked after one of Margaret Thatcher 's early cabinet reshuffles , and the men to whom the Prime Minister turned were certainly outside this small genetic pool .
24 They are people to whom the Conservative party is meat and drink and there are few enough eccentrics among them .
25 So too would North and Owen , to whom the revolutionary parallel opened up all kinds of opportunities .
26 Here was a sympathetic listener to whom the Apothecaries could turn — one with an extensive knowledge of medicine and botany , who was to play an important part in the history of the Garden .
27 The oxygen was usually supplied by a pharmacist to whom the bag was sent for filling .
28 Every man owed allegiance to a Lord — the tenants who worked the field would hold his land from the owner , who would be either a Baron ; a Bishop , or the Abbott of a monastery , to whom the tenant had to render service .
29 There was another younger brother ( to whom the father had left considerable treasures ) , Henry , against whom William II and Robert co-operated .
30 ‘ Please let us never condemn the handicapped child or the parents to whom the strength is not given . ’
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