Example sentences of "to hand [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Chamberlain 's cabinet was obsessed by the fear that if taxpayers ' money was used to shore up the refugee organisations , other countries , not least Germany , would be encouraged to hand on to Britain yet more of their unwanted citizens .
2 Although the principal activity of many of the nobles in Edward III 's reign was war , their fundamental concern was always their inheritance , the lands and rights which formed the basis of their wealth and power and which they expected to hand on to their heirs .
3 We forced our way on and found suitable straps to hand on to .
4 The founder 's desire is usually to hand on to his children a more prosperous business than he inherited , and under the latest provisions it will be extremely difficult to do so .
5 and the response to such a command could be to hand up some dictionary definition of a bar as a drinking place .
6 This style also reflects the attempt by the political élite in Moscow to hand down to the provinces general directives which were as sophisticated as possible and based on Marxist tenets in so far as they could be understood at lower levels .
7 The greatest number , however , were self-employed men who often had some small property to hand down along with the know-how of their trade .
8 She is expected soon to hand down a ruling .
9 That 's the actual word , nothing to hand down for .
10 His passionate onslaught at the 1985 party conference against the Militants of Merseyside ( whom he accused of hiring taxis to hand out redundancy notices to their workers ) appealed to the unions and gave him new public stature .
11 Lately Mr Kaifu has been under pressure to hand out minor cabinet posts to some young stars within the party who had been tainted by the Recruit affair .
12 Biff marked off their names in a ledger , made rapid mental calculations regarding fines incurred and instructed Ma Bombie to hand out whatever was left , which in most cases was not much .
13 ONLY a few days after the fourth Conservative victory in a row , it is slightly depressing to read that health authorities have allocated millions and millions of extra pounds to a campaign to persuade family practitioners to hand out free condoms to their patients , whether or not they are at high risk of contracting the new American disease .
14 Thus the role of the coach is not to hand out advice passively but to act as a partner and a catalyst .
15 I 've just got a set of opinions , that 's all , to hand out when the occasion arises .
16 Graham is the first to hand out praise when it 's due , and when he voices his displeasure , the player concerned is left totally in the picture about the captain 's requirements .
17 Digital Equipment has set aside £1m to hand out next year as cash rewards for outstanding performance .
18 Most people do n't care if they live or die , but a few are willing to risk imprisonment by going on to the streets to hand out clean syringes .
19 This month we turn to Yeovil in Somerset to hand out the bouquets , or rather our Gold St*r award .
20 Many candidates all down the line think of headhunters as privileged individuals able to hand out plum jobs willy-nilly to those in their favour ; at the same time — somewhat contradictorily — they regard them as dodgy , cowboy characters who have arrived at their coveted positions in life after having failed at everything else they have attempted .
21 The main classes of vessel which made up a fleet were first-class armoured ships ( which were to hand out and absorb the punishment of a pitched battle ) , other ironclads used for cruising , coast-defence and the many functions of the old sail frigates , and the ‘ flotilla ’ of smaller ships , of which the commonest were gunboats and the newest , torpedo-boats .
22 Microsoft Corp 's NT business manager , Carl Stork , say Microsoft is preparing to hand out ‘ many thousands ’ of NT developer kits beginning July 6 when the Windows 32 Developers Conference kicks off in San Francisco .
23 The one the Federation produced is very good , but a lot of reading in it , so , we wanted one we could hand out to people and the the intention is that we , we go on the market next week Thursday and Friday to hand out that leaflet , also to advertise the meeting on the tenth , erm , so that really is as far , and obviously the meetings that , that Lilly just said that Kathy 's coming , that would be an opportunity to erm you know , discuss it further with her .
24 Now if I 'm going to hand out leaflets on the corner in Dayton , you 're damn right I 'm going to the convention now I have the entré . ’
25 Even though she 'd stopped to hand out the suits , she was still first into hers .
26 " So , not surprisingly , faced with that irrefutable argument , he declined to hand out .
27 From the ages of nine or ten they distributed magazines and helped to hand out the Sunday School " tickets " , picture cards of birds or flowers with a short text from the Bible .
28 The LSE 's walls were plastered with slogans — a favourite being ‘ Beware the Pedagogic Gerontocracy ’ — and suddenly the Situationists moved from the world of small magazines , happenings , and Alex Trocchi to hand out their leaflets , and flypost their documents on ‘ Ten Days that Shook the University ’ .
29 The Government are not about to hand out dollops of money so that inexperienced people can buy complicated equipment that they then do not know how to use .
30 I ca n't begin to imagine the sort of furore that might break out if er judges started to hand out the sort of penalties that they saw fit in particular cases .
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