Example sentences of "[num ord] [noun sg] [verb] the same " in BNC.

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1 Once the first diver is stable , on a three man bell run the second diver does the same .
2 The second vote has the same unitary value for every voter : its potential does not vary with the magnitude of the constituency in which it is used .
3 The second defendant damaged the same part of the car as the first defendant .
4 The second question makes the same sort of enquiry about the relations between categories .
5 Clearly an indemnity of the second type has the same effect as a simple exclusion of liability .
6 The first 20 minutes of the second half followed the same pattern before the deadlock was broken .
7 The second row follows the same method .
8 It 's believed to be the second incident involving the same man in twenty four hours .
9 In another series of cases the Court has condemned national laws which require undertakings which are licensed to carry out particular activities in one member state having to obtain a second licence to provide the same services in another member state where the licensing requirements in the first member state adequately safeguard all necessary requirements for the protection of the public interest .
10 The purpose of such an approach would be to demonstrate that the second language has the same potential for use as the first language , encourage learners to draw on their own experience of language by applying familiar procedures to the interpretation of second language use , and so to teach the second language system not as an end in itself but as a resource for the achievement of meaning .
11 The Offset represents the weird and wonderful , and at first glance has the same unsettling effect as an optical illusion .
12 ParaSet is reportedly the first system to use the same model to forward engineer new software and reverse engineer existing software to modify , maintain and update it .
13 The next question used the same factors and asked how Ernst & Young compare to the respondent 's expectations .
14 The question of justification may also arise where A seeks to assert rights under a contract with B which is inconsistent with another contract between B and C. The question here is whether A has a right equal or superior to that of C and if he has he is justified in persuading B to break his contract with C. So if B enters into a contract on Monday to sell to A for £10,000 and then next day to sell the same property to C for £15,000 A , by persuading B to perform the first contract commits no wrong against C.
15 An individual shall be deemed to have received a capital sum or be entitled to receive such a sum where a third person receives the same or is entitled to receive the same at the direction of the individual or where the individual assigns his right ( by , for instance , a deed of assignment or an equitable assignment ) to receive the sum to such third person ( s739(5) ) .
16 ‘ We had 22 teachers in here last week watching the same rehearsal because their children are doing a project on it and as a result of that we have had 260 kids watching the rehearsal this week .
17 The third phrase uses the same device : the second half ( ‘ my thoughts ever stray ’ ) repeats the first ( ‘ And now as I wander ’ ) at a higher pitch .
18 To ask them is to assume that Mr Jones next door holds the same opinions and follows the same practices as Mr Smith across the road .
19 The writers of the next generation did the same .
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