Example sentences of "have to spend [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He may be completely landless , or it may be that his plot is n't big enough and he has to spend part of his time , or part of his family has to spend part of their time , working for somebody else to get in some extra money or possibly renting land from somebody else .
2 He may be completely landless , or it may be that his plot is n't big enough and he has to spend part of his time , or part of his family has to spend part of their time , working for somebody else to get in some extra money or possibly renting land from somebody else .
3 It is an argument not for training boards with a lot of bureaucracy , but for the present successful French policy where every employer has to spend money on training .
4 As Chairman of a multi-million pound Company , 38 year old Richard Gabriel from Gloucestershire has to spend alot of time at work .
5 The Labour Council continues to show its concern for the least fortunate among us at a time when it has to spend time , money and effort attending the demands of increasingly authoritarian central Government and collecting the Tory Poll Tax .
6 How can they expect their leader to devote his energy to attacking the Tories when he has to spend time dealing with his own rancorous , ill-disciplined colleagues ?
7 But he has failed in his great ambition , and perhaps the task was too much for a man who has had to spend time inventing a new identity for himself .
8 Will you have to spend money on them ?
9 You do not have to spend money on peppermints , either .
10 I can not think of any flower that does not press better for being taken apart , although of course you will have to spend time putting it back together again when you want to use it .
11 The snub comes after Diana arranged to be out of the country next Saturday so she does n't have to spend time with Charles on his 44th birthday .
12 Erm , even if you inherit some spreadsheets from this person that 's left , that 's useful knowledge because you do n't have to spend time searching for whoever might have created this spreadsheet .
13 I am pleased that whilst we have the ability to talk to most people , we do n't have to spend time with all of them .
14 I 'll have to spend time showing them how to use your machine . ’
15 Because , because I 'm a complete stranger so I do n't have to spend time with you at all , so you know .
16 - Somebody says : ‘ Oh God , do we really have to spend Christmas day this year with … ? '-
17 It lacked five days to Christmas , and it might be , with a good wind and a following swell , that they might not have to spend Christmas at Birsay .
18 They want low-octane fuel because they can manufacture it without having to spend money to make substitutes for lead , which would be necessary to retain higher octane fuel .
19 Then again , you can still get a traditional feeling without having to spend money on a set of antique chairs .
20 The idea of videoconferencing is to draw together people in widely separated locations for ‘ meetings ’ without having to spend time and money travelling large distances .
21 Laughton had to spend time at Iro 's press conference fending off questions about Leeds ' next targets .
22 Already stretched by their individual remits , they had to spend time , much of it unproductive , in preparing papers and attending meetings .
23 and all Julia wanted was more and more and more money , there was a conflict on how many gran children she could have and sometimes she had five in there , one of them which was then very small which she had to spend time feeding and that and that was Kerry
24 THE girl who presented a petition to Premier John Major to save St Bartholomew 's hospital had to spend Christmas there after a relapse .
25 ‘ If we have to spend money replacing windows we can not spend as much on new equipment .
26 ‘ If it were n't for the fact that we have to spend time and pay lawyers to deal with it , we would find the whole thing laughable , ’ E&Y 's marketing partner David Wilson told ACCOUNTANCY .
27 Will look silly if I have to spend time driving around in circles to find it .
28 So you have to spend time or time to re-understand what you were doing before you can document it properly .
29 Bad enough to feel the way she did , let alone have to spend time with a man who treated her as if she 'd just crawled from under a stone .
30 ‘ We deal with some very distressing cases particularly involving old people and we have to spend quality time with our victims .
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