Example sentences of "have fallen the " in BNC.

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1 To my brother and me had fallen the task of disentangling our parents ' possessions from the original contents of the house .
2 Moreover , throughout the year the particular day of the week on which Innocents ' Day had fallen the previous year was also regarded as a black-letter day , and was also called Innocents ' Day .
3 In winter when all the leaves had fallen the forest became rough and creviced like the trunk of a tree .
4 Once Gosport and the Portsea Lines had fallen the Portsmouth dockyard would become unusable , and — reversing the usual proposed sequence — the invaders would then capture the Isle of Wight .
5 The French , probably over-confident of victory , allowed themselves to be drawn into a cavalry advance , carried out under a hail of arrows , across recently ploughed ground made softer yet by the rain which had fallen the previous night .
6 Wing Commander J.M. Gilchrist had been appointed Bursar and Clerk to the Governors in 1962 , and to him had fallen the task — in addition to his ordinary duties — of arranging the financing of the numerous building programmes .
7 Six weeks before the October general election , figures in mid-September showed that inflation had dropped sharply in August , rising only 0.2 per cent , while unemployment had fallen the same month to 16.6 per cent of the active workforce , the lowest level since 1982 .
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