Example sentences of "have turned out " in BNC.

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1 It appears that the whole town has turned out to welcome us ; men , women and children are lining the main route through the town , shaking hands with the French Commandos and offering glasses of wine as they walk alongside the column .
2 The same has turned out to be true of show-jumping , a little-known landed pursuit before it was taken up by the BBC as a sport which might appeal to women , especially when Pat Smythe rode Flanagan to four European Championship victories between 1957 and 1963 .
3 Here , as it has turned out , was an organization where he has found he is seriously good at something , and where all the disparate strands of his life have come together with extraordinary clarity .
4 Colin Appleby , of the Midland Bank , is extremely pleased with the way the game has turned out .
5 Nigel Martyn , the goalkeeper he bought from Bristol Rovers for £1 million , has turned out to be a snip , his acrobatics saving the day when United penetrated Palace 's back four , newly shored up by the strapping Andy Thorn .
6 Mr Kaifu has turned out to be more of a winner than a cipher .
7 IN THE words of the Gaullist leader , Jacques Chirac , France 's eagerly awaited new government has turned out to be the former Rocard government minus Michel Rocard .
8 Just sorry it has turned out this way . ’
9 What might have seemed a revelation of God 's extraordinary generosity has turned out to be another expression of his terrible anger .
10 This third and bulky fruit of Sir Ian 's otium cum dignitate ( ’ how to amuse oneself harmlessly when out of office ’ ) has turned out a curious book .
11 But it has turned out that the theory is as it sounds — too good to be true .
12 There have been some exceptions ( again , perhaps because insufficient phase-one training was given ) ( Arnoult 1953 ; McAllister 1953 ; McCormack 1958 ) but for the most part the test performance of control subjects has turned out to be inferior to that of subjects pre-trained with the relevant stimuli ( G. Cantor 1955 ; J. Cantor 1955 ; Cantor and Hottel 1957 ; Smith and Means 1961 ; Hendrickson and Muehl 1962 ) .
13 And the risk has turned out to be a disaster .
14 Her style of government has turned out to be a marvellous make-work scheme for political scientists , contemporary historians and political commentators .
15 The reality has turned out to be somewhat more prosaic .
16 Of those it is worth singling out D. 32.95 and D. , in which the jurist indicates ( in the first case implicitly , in the second explicitly ) that the use of the clause has turned out to have crucial consequences for the effectiveness of the testator 's will : for without it his will or some of its dispositions would have been of no force .
17 She took her doctorate in the study of the UFO movement itself , and has worked with several British researchers on what has turned out to be an illuminating project .
18 The best way to test the inequality experimentally has turned out to be to measure the correlation in the polarisation of pairs of photons emitted in certain electron transitions in atoms of calcium and mercury .
19 Many may have discovered that the trouble-free lifestyle they had planned has turned out to be a good bit less well-regulated and tidy than they had expected or intended it to be .
20 It 's a pity how it has turned out for him , but that 's the way it goes . ’
21 Laissez-faire transport planning has turned out to be anti-bike and pro-car in the urban context .
22 Hahnemann 's conception of disease being due to a combination of intrinsic ( inherited ) and extrinsic ( environmental ) factors has turned out to be largely correct .
23 What a crackingly effective policy recognition has turned out to be .
24 For a person insensitive to visual impressions the pattern on the wallpaper he is buying may seem not to deserve close scrutiny ; but if the room he has papered begins after a while to depress him , it has turned out that the pattern was relevant to the choice after all .
25 The new laws , which were supposed to enhance by educating the younger players thus enabling them to improve their game and so become better players when they progress to senior level , has turned out to make the game no better than the farcical ‘ tic ’ game played at mini level .
26 In the words of one of my more sympathetic correspondents , it has turned out to be an Annus Horribilis .
27 PLEASURE DOMES IN THE BUNKER Putting their money where the boom beckoned has turned out to be a major handicap for several super-golf-course developers
28 But unfortunately , Gatt has turned out to be all or nothing .
29 ‘ Thankfully , it has turned out all right for mother and baby . ’
30 Thankfully , it has turned out all right for mother and baby . ’
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