Example sentences of "have to leave [art] " in BNC.

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1 Disused , ramshackle , and whistling with draughts , both its windows had been boarded up , and to obtain some light Denis had had to leave the door open after persuading Joshua Cohen in by pressing the gun firmly into the small of his back .
2 If you had not so stupidly bade me keep quiet , I should have done the trick long since , and you would not have had to leave the place at all .
3 The Chairman of the Select Committee on Energy apologised to me earlier for the fact that he has had to leave the Chamber because he is due to make a speech on clean coal technology elsewhere in London .
4 That twice this term she 's had to leave the classroom because she was sick ? ’
5 Er some wo n't wear it at all erm erm have had to leave the Fire Service because of that .
6 The names of Price ( twice ) and J.P.R. Williams immediately come to mind , having to leave the field after receiving serious injury at the hands of international opponents .
7 Partners , particularly in the smaller of the merging firms , often fear that they will lose out in the merger — even to the extent of having to leave the merged firm .
8 Sighing at the thought of having to leave the warmth and comfort of the fire , he rose and lifted his coat from the hook on the kitchen door , bracing himself against the cold stormy air , and strode off into the darkness .
9 They know that it was fear — fear of a loss of prosperity , fear of having to leave the EC — that persuaded Danes to vote Yes rather than enthusiasm for European union .
10 There 's also a useful charting feature , so you can put together jazzy pie charts or bar graphs without having to leave the program .
11 Right , well that 's good , erm , and , so in , in relation to the A G M erm we did , we were asked about putting in motion 's erm , are you having to leave the one about the press after what John said ?
12 From living a life of relative financial ease , she has been reduced to near poverty , having to leave the family home and moving into rented accommodation .
13 Sarah retired in 1983 with a slipped disc and was frustrated at having to leave the competitive arena before achieving her sporting ambitions .
14 They do n't want to do it and some are even having to leave the N H S as a whole .
15 Now you can play golf without having to leave the comfort of your Windows environment .
16 So ‘ extended ’ farms will have to leave a wide strip of unsown soil in each field , and let the hedges grow .
17 They will have to leave a safe distance for it to spread out and to subside .
18 Loretta had assumed that she would have to leave a message for Jamie with some college functionary , and wait for him to ring back .
19 One of these days , though , I 'll find an office where there really is a Mr Middleditch and I would have to leave a well-wrapped paperback edition of The Story of 0 .
20 He said that all 10,000 students would have to leave the campus with their belongings by last night .
21 ‘ If we ca n't expand ’ , they say , ‘ we 'll have to leave the area and dozens of jobs will be lost . ’
22 I shall have to leave the world of concrete numerable objects and follow him into a world of imagination where numbers themselves have discernible characteristics , or may hide , waiting to be discovered .
23 She said Diana could have a divorce but she would have to leave the country .
24 At that point Dawn and I would usually have to leave the room .
25 He 'd have to leave the window slightly open and hope to be disturbed if anything happened .
26 She knew she would have to leave the factory after that .
27 ‘ You must give me an answer or I shall have to leave the house .
28 Tess would have to leave the dairy at Christmas .
29 I knew when your lesson was and worked out when you 'd have to leave the house , and I 've been skulking around here , waiting for you .
30 Her first thought was that she would have to leave the flat .
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