Example sentences of "have provided the " in BNC.

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1 Market segmentation and pricing has provided the answer .
2 Their 10-year-old daughter , Jessica , who is likely to be seen with her head buried in The Beano or a Roald Dahl novel , has provided the inspiration for many of her parents ' books .
3 In southern India The Body Shop has provided the means to set up a boys ' town for destitute youngsters .
4 The Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in Oxfordshire has provided the Along-Track Scanning Radiometer , an infrared instrument which will measure sea surface temperatures down to 0.3C .
5 Warton has provided the following description of a man of eighty , who was sole mourner at the funeral of his equally aged wife .
6 He has provided the only real glitz and glamour in what has seemed a decidedly lacklustre campaign .
7 A strategy based on specialisation and tight cost controls dating back to the rescue period has provided the basis for the turnaround under chief executive Ron Garrick .
8 A PHOTOGRAPH of a Royal Marine advancing into Port Stanley after yomping across the Falklands has provided the inspiration for a 12ft high bronze statue symbolising the spirit and achievements of the Royal Marines .
9 When presented with ‘ antiques ’ , an established knocker will have no difficulty sorting the wheat from the chaff : 20 or more years on the knock has provided the experienced ‘ boy ’ with a knowledge of antiques which he will supplement with a useful home library of reference books and subscriptions to price guides and the trade press .
10 Gene Miles , who along with Dean Bell , has provided the solidity for Wigan to batter opponents into submission so often this season , explained the significance of the December get-together : ‘ The injuries were clearing at the time of the team meeting and we put everything into winning games around Christmas and New Year .
11 Increasing investment in new technology has provided the way forward for CAC , enabling the company to remain at the forefront of dyestuffs manufacturing .
12 For many years , trade across the Atlantic has provided the backbone of business for the air cargo industry .
13 Nonetheless , the avoidance of the country ever again being ‘ held to ransom ’ by the National Union of Mineworkers has provided the nuclear industry with yet another political toehold .
14 Also there has tended to be in earlier Soviet writing a sort of radical cornucopianism which has provided the ideological context of some technically disastrous decisions on the use of land .
15 Gay intellectuals may dismiss essentialism as a bogus utopia , but it has provided the emotional power behind a great deal of gay activism — it is much harder to claim civil rights for a discursive construction .
16 Meanwhile , through taking out individual DOUBLE PAYOUT PLANS , each has provided the other with a guaranteed lump sum in the event of death — in Alec 's case , at least £11,655 .
17 This has provided the main wellspring for widespread discrimination against older people .
18 This has provided the tramway with a singular advantage over buses operating in the congested traffic , however the close proximity of thousands of strolling holiday-makers to the traffic , can present problems for tram drivers .
19 Now , however , science has provided the means to manipulate the basic genetic material that all plants and animals are made of , namely DNA ( deoxyribonucleic acid ) and already this has resulted in exciting progress in forensic science , pharmacology and disease control .
20 Warples ' ( 1980 ) adaptation of the Lopatin ( 1971 ) method of calculating source rock maturity , though open to theoretical objections , gives results which in many cases accord well with observed hydrocarbon occurrences , and has provided the petroleum geologist with a ready rule-of-thumb means of taking the time factor into account .
21 The increase in this woodland may well have had a beneficial effect on the Woodcock and has provided the increasing breeding Redpoll population with an abundance of habitat .
22 PROFESSOR GEORGE Teeling-Smith has provided the nation with a grim warning , and one we should do well to heed before we are all poisoned to death .
23 The new workforce has provided the resources to put together the new reports , and to provide more support for ACARD .
24 The ‘ new math ’ movement , which emphasises understanding and uses more non-routine problems , has provided the main stimulus for this .
25 The Second Period established that right , it is the Third Period which has provided the near total destruction of it .
26 Since 1980 the JCT has provided the industry with a number of new model forms , giving the employer a much wider range of choice to suit his particular contractual needs .
27 I had no way of checking it and am grateful , therefore , that Sir Gordon Cox has provided the full version .
28 If the parent company has provided the preference shareholders with a guarantee , it may be possible to recognise a minority interest .
29 The general consensus between the leaders of the Conservative and Labour parties made easy the initial reckless imposition of ‘ direct rule ’ from Westminster and at every subsequent stage has provided the basis for a bipartisan policy under which the party in opposition has supported the measures taken in Ulster by the one in office .
30 It has provided the spark to get me going again . ’
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