Example sentences of "have cause [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The idealism which inspired this Act of Parliament was eloquently expressed in the House of Commons by Alfred Morris , MP for Manchester , Wythenshawe who had originally introduced this measure as a Private Member 's Bill : If we could bequeath one precious gift to posterity , I would choose a society in which there is genuine compassion for the chronically sick and disabled ; where understanding is unostentatious and sincere ; where needs come before means ; where if years can not be added to their lives , at least life can be added to their years ; … where the disabled have a fundamental right to participate in industry and society according to ability ; where socially preventable distress is unknown ; and where none has cause to be ill at ease because of disability .
2 In the first place it is noticeable that the great theme of his two Councils was the same as that of the Roman Council of 1059 , when the first effective legislation on clerical celibacy was initiated : it almost seems as if this subject had matured in his mind since that date ; certainly his early Deploratio virginitatis male amissae suggests that he may have had cause for thought on this subject .
3 At work , given that , despite her de glamorisation , she had had cause to cold-shoulder one Lothario from Purchasing and another from Sales who had been fresh beyond what she thought acceptable , she was quite contented with her lot .
4 After being shown around the factory , Mr Hunt said that as a father of four he had had cause to be thankful for the company 's products .
5 We do have cause for concern but it is not a problem which can be solved by law enforcement alone .
6 The spines become fully extended and if you confuse a hedgehog with a rabbit and make a hasty grab at it you will have cause for regret .
7 With his main enemy removed , Scapula might have cause for congratulation , but this was soon forgotten in the savage guerrilla-type tactics of the untamed Silures , whom Scapula had unwisely threatened to exterminate .
8 Even those who do read quality writing may have cause for self-flagellation .
9 But here 's a toast to all those who played a part in this fall of a climbing journalist : my climbing friends , the helicopter rescue team , the doctors and nurses and our superb National Health Service ( coming from Ebbw Vale I knew one day I 'd have cause to be thankful to Aneurin Bevan ) .
10 For this , Mr Gorbachev will have cause to be grateful , for a 15-month total ban on strikes is dangerous and unworkable nonsense .
11 If in the year 2000 the EC is able to pass these tests as well as it does today , but on the altogether higher plane which 1992 implies , the rest of Europe , like the rest of the world , will have cause to be grateful .
12 Whatever their basis in nefarious dealings , misunderstood intelligence , or dreams , noble things were being attempted , and if they came off the world would have cause to be grateful .
13 ‘ Well , I wish he did have cause to be jealous of me , ’ I said , and took the opportunity to draw her towards me and fold my arms around her .
14 [ Ch 14 ] It is with a more elaborate example of this type of fanciful similitude that the impersonal " Dickens " introduces Mrs Rouncewell : She is a fine old lady , handsome , stately , wonderfully neat , and has such a back , and such a stomacher that if her stays should turn out when she dies to have been a broad old-fashioned family fire-grate , nobody who knows her would have cause to be surprised .
15 From the sudden change in Rune Christensen 's demeanour it seemed she might have cause to be optimistic .
16 WALTER SISULU will have cause in the coming days to reflect , perhaps not for the first time , that stone walls do not a prison make .
17 Negligence — Duty of care to whom ? — Child , unborn — Plaintiff 's mother undergoing medical treatment when pregnant — Plaintiff born in 1967 with abnormalities — Whether plaintiff having cause of action in negligence
18 I could , to be sure , scribble off things the whole day long , but a composition of this kind goes out into the world , and naturally I do not want to have cause to be ashamed of my name on the title-page .
19 At the begining of the second half England again had cause to be grateful as a marvellous five-man move graced by Tarasiewicz 's stunning volleyed pass ended with Ziober drifting a benign shot over .
20 She did n't love her husband , or even have any great affection for him , but she was mindful of the predicament in which he had placed himself by marrying so far beneath him , and she was going to make certain he never had cause to be ashamed of her .
21 Many times he had been able to explain the results of complicated chemical analyses performed in conjunction with his own rôle , for which Montgomery had cause to be grateful .
22 He had cause to be ; a number of the clergy who compiled the 1801 Returns saw the improving larger farmer as a mixed blessing , likely to be more interested in maximising his profits than in keeping prices reasonable , ‘ the cause of the dearness of Butcher 's meat , cheese , etc. etc … . it destroys the comforts of the lower class of society ’ .
23 If Mountbatten was worried about a possible rising , the AFPFL had cause to be worried about British repression .
24 But the poor had cause to be grateful to the railways too , in particular for their supplies of fresh fish .
25 Later , I had cause to be grateful for that clause .
26 She had cause for pride .
27 The Duke had cause for worry , yet as he strolled down the rue Royale he was forced to put a brave face on the desperate odds lest his enemies took courage from his despair.The Duke could also cling to one strong hope , namely that his scratch army would not fight Napoleon alone , but alongside Prince Blücher 's Prussians .
28 Here he 'd smelt the air of England for the first time , the crisp October air ; here he 'd fed first , drunk first ; first had cause for laughter , and later , for tears .
29 At the end of a gloomy , recession-blighted year , booksellers at last had cause for optimism after a last-minute rush by Christmas shoppers boosted sales .
30 ‘ I 'll admit you had cause for complaint when we used charcoal that needed a good layer of white ash before we could start cooking .
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