Example sentences of "have apply [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The EEC has applied competition rules and has ordered Gillette to dispose of its 22% stake in Eemland , the parent of Wilkinson Sword .
2 All of this means that in the past year Schnabel has applied paint and might one hope quality thought time ? to an area as big as a standard tennis court with 400 square feet left over .
3 Having applied cement render over the external brickwork , attached a hideous modern porch and added an extension in jarring and inappropriate modern materials , the brewery designers have gutted the interior .
4 You will have to apply para 41 if you are to equity account for the associate in accordance with standard practice .
5 Joan , over the last week , had applied calamine lotion , witch hazel , petroleum jelly , and had even contemplated using a sinister looking ointment concocted by Dotty , but did not take this final drastic step .
6 The interval during which Miss Taylor had applied calamine and sympathy had not been sufficient to quell Robbie 's own longings .
7 In Tesam Distribution Ltd. v. Schuh Mode Team G.m.b.H . [ 1990 ] I.L.Pr. 149 , the Court of Appeal had to apply Effer S.p.A .
8 As will be made clear in the following brief history of Marxist thought in Latin America , there has been very little interplay between the evolutions of Marxism-Leninist prescriptions for revolutionary development in Latin America , as shaped by Soviet ideologues , and the way that Latin Americans themselves have applied Marxism to their situation .
9 Dr Richard Evershed and his colleagues there have applied gas chromatography , combined with mass spectrometry to identify food residues in ancient pots , to determine what the vessels were used for and therefore what early societies ate and drank .
10 So far , we have applied hypergame analysis to various case-studies and are developing practical methodology , which uses a two-stage approach .
11 In this chapter we have applied graph search theory to the performance of four speech systems .
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