Example sentences of "have reference to " in BNC.

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1 Consciousness is said by him to be , fundamentally , activity which has reference to content , or activity which is directed upon t ; n object .
2 This section has reference to certain points of procedure which must , or which may , be followed by the licensing board at its meetings .
3 WH : ‘ We 've got a new song called ‘ Hats Off To Eldorado ’ which has references to Woody Allen in it .
4 Or perhaps Gloucester had simply discovered that Hastings ' distaste for Woodville authority would not , after all , extend to the deposition of Edward V. Mancini , as well as later sources , has references to Gloucester sounding out the loyalty of Hastings and others , and a clumsy enquiry may have alerted Hastings to the duke 's intentions as well as warning Gloucester that Hastings would not co-operate .
5 Or perhaps Gloucester had simply discovered that Hastings ' distaste for Woodville authority would not , after all , extend to the deposition of Edward V. Mancini , as well as later sources , has references to Gloucester sounding out the loyalty of Hastings and others , and a clumsy enquiry may have alerted Hastings to the duke 's intentions as well as warning Gloucester that Hastings would not co-operate .
6 Since they were in bed the query was ambiguous , and might have had reference to what had gone before .
7 On one occasion , he noted that curtains had been put between three of the beds in the aged women 's ward , and thought this undesirable for several reasons — having reference to cleanliness and ventilation .
8 As for the ideas of having reference to and being directed up oil , they too must be given sense consonant with the nature of the given contents and objects and the various modes of consciousness .
9 There must be no nice balancing of odds , the judge must come to the conclusion that such danger is real and appreciable with reference to the ordinary operation of law in the ordinary course of things , not a danger of an imaginary and insubstantial character , having reference to some extraordinary and barely possible contingency so improbable that no reasonable man would suffer it to influence his conduct .
10 141 ( 1 ) Rent reserved by a lease , and the benefit of every covenant or provision therein contained , having reference to the subject-matter thereof , and on the lessee 's part to be observed or performed , and every condition of re-entry and other condition therein contained , shall be annexed and incident to and shall go with the reversionary estate in the land , or in any part thereof , immediately expectant on the term granted by the lease , notwithstanding severance of that reversionary estate , and without prejudice to any liability affecting a covenantor or his estate .
11 Like when there considering how there gon na spend there money every year , they should have reference to this policy cos general Council policy like , how can I spend my money to redistribute resor resources , so that we can provide more for people who are in need , so it is n't just about projects , it 's about a policy and we develop those kind of things , we 've already talked about the Unit Policy and we developed that .
12 A covenant may very well have reference to the land , but , unless it is reasonably incidental to the relation of landlord and tenant , it can not be said to touch and concern the land so as to be capable of running therewith or with the reversion .
13 Each chapter should have references to keynote original papers , and to books covering the subject in greater depth .
14 Other such terms , for example free , as in ‘ then we were free ’ , certainly had reference to the past , but carried direct contemporary reference : a man would say of another , ‘ he is a free man ’ , and mean that he took no orders from a superior ; and a man ( asked about his own occupation ) might say with some pride that he was a ‘ free Zuwayi ’ ( zuwayi hurr ) , and imply his condition was closer to the old days than that of most of those he saw around him .
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