Example sentences of "have as little " in BNC.

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1 ‘ What I think , what I do , has as little to do with you as your activities have to do with me . ’
2 He will find that in both Bath and Lancashire the electorate has as little faith in Labour 's policies as he has .
3 However , if Venus has always had as little water as it seems to have today then it may never have been able to achieve such high surface temperatures .
4 This , and the other Institute committees ' need to obtain the TAC 's view as early as possible , puts considerable pressure on DTACs , which may have as little as six weeks to arrange meetings , discuss the issues raised and submit their written responses to the TAC at Moorgate Place .
5 In so doing we are probably , assuming such abilities exist , mixing chalk with cheese : clairvoyance , for example , may have as little to do with precognition as vision has to do with touch .
6 Instead of questioning the man closely , concealing his own biography so that the other would have as little hold on him as possible , he spilled the tragedy in every unflattering detail .
7 Adopters may receive little warning of an imminent placement , and may have as little as one to two days notice .
8 Once a fire has started , you could have as little as two minutes to get out before heat or toxic fumes overcome you .
9 ‘ I will have as little to do with you as possible , Monsieur Lemarchand .
10 Whereas current strategy assumed that the USA would have as little as two weeks to reinforce NATO troops in the event of the Soviet Union mobilizing for an invasion of Europe , the new plan suggested that the future response time could be as long as two years , and that this would allow the USA ample time to bring reserve divisions up to full strength .
11 I expect he hoped to have as little as possible to do with her , but when she made a dead set at him , as she did at all young married men , that was no longer possible .
12 Planning for the future care of your children can be particularly stressful if you are someone who wants to have as little as possible to do with social services and other authorities , or if you have had a bad experience with them in the past .
13 ‘ We want it to have as little impact as possible on the production process , ’ says Senator Moynihan .
14 Seaman comments that that presentation Another and concordant view is recorded by Lichtheim : Lichtheim goes on to quote Pease , then Secretary of the Fabian Society , as saying : ‘ We were thus in a position to welcome the formation of working class Socialist societies , but it is certain that they would never have welcomed us ’ ; and to add , perhaps unkindly : ‘ Beatrice Potter — a rich , spoiled , arrogant young woman with more beauty than brains — was determined to have as little as possible to do with the working class . ’
15 ‘ And when do you start singing ‘ Yankee Doodle ’ , McAllister ? ’ said Dr Neil , provocative in his turn , but oh , she looked remarkable when she was all fired up , as he supposed she called it , and despite his resolution to have as little to do with her as possible he could not resist continuing to tease her .
16 Industrialists never liked financiers much , and established industrialists tried to have as little as possible to do with bankers .
17 But one thing Rachel was certain of was that the revival of those memories had only intensified her dislike of her sister 's ex-fiancé , and when she arrived for work the following Monday morning and he was the first person she saw she found her resolve to have as little to do with him as possible had only been strengthened .
18 Still , it was true in the main , so for the few weeks she was to be in Venice she would take the greatest care to have as little to do with him as possible .
19 Concepts like labour organized life in much the same way as the notion of God had done in the Middle Ages , and it had as little material reference .
20 This man had as little sympathy for the environment as a pike might have kind feelings towards a minnow .
21 Sally , her father 's wife , had advised her on more than one occasion , but Harriet had as little time for stylists as she had for clothes — and besides , she rather liked her hair just as it was .
22 However , these two commanders also remained at sea throughout the landings and so had as little idea as Hamilton of what was going forward .
23 She cites one example of a man who spent several years living in his parents-in-law 's house but still had little to do with them afterwards ; another where a man had helped to nurse his father-in-law through an illness , but when that was over had as little contact with him as he had before ( Cornwell , 1984 , p. 89 ) .
24 She was fascinated when he said he came from London — as far as she was concerned he might as well have come from the Moon , because she had as little likelihood of ever visiting either . ’
25 And he would probably rather enjoy looking after a woman , even one he had as little time for as her .
26 Owner of a fabled art collection in California , which he was too busy ever to visit , his soon familiar face , like a bloodhound lugubriously scenting wasted pennies , was one symbol of the times : if you , too , struck oil you could be as rich and careworn as Getty and have as little time and capacity to enjoy it .
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