Example sentences of "have be prepare " in BNC.

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1 Although a shortlist of five candidates for the position of coach has been prepared , Jefferson Williams , coach of the England men 's team , said yesterday his squad were ‘ annoyed ’ at the lack of information from the EVA .
2 But at least she has been prepared for her party to stand in elections here .
3 Over the past few months , the ground has has been prepared with meetings between senior Labour and Whitehall figures .
4 A new guide on the storage and handling of flammable solids at work has been prepared jointly by the HSE , the Home Office and the Scottish Office .
5 However , fresh food , and food consumed which has been prepared and cooked by others , must always be regarded as a potential source of infection .
6 An educational pack explaining the background to many of the issues raised in BLUE PLANET has been prepared by educationalists , environmentalists and others in association with Du Pont and its subsidiary Conoco .
7 Occasionally official syllabuses contain very detailed advice for teachers and in one case ( Botswana ) , a separate , loose-leaf file has been prepared for each grade , but in many cases it is the teachers ' guide , or even the pupils ' text which provides the real plan from which the teacher works .
8 Desist , I think you will find this has been prepared for . ’
9 Heel in bare root stock until the ground has been prepared
10 The analysts want to feel confident that information has been prepared consistently , which is not too much to expect from any financial statement .
11 In the final paragraph the auditors conclude : ‘ In our opinion , the half-yearly financial information has been prepared with due care and using accounting policies consistent with those adopted by Guardian Royal Exchange plc in its statutory financial statements for the year ended 31 December 1991 . ’
12 A report , which has been prepared by the Department of Trade and Industry in association with DISC , the information technology group of the British Standards Institution , contains a series of recommendations intended to improve the security of all information systems .
13 They conclude : ‘ On the basis of our review , we are not aware of any material modifications that should be made to the interim financial information as presented , and in our opinion it has been prepared using accounting policies consistent with those adopted by the group in its statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 1991 . ’
14 We know , too , the frequent result of such crude precautions , the often painful unpleasantness-to use a mild term — which results from putrefaction , and which the undertaker assures the family is ‘ quite inevitable ’ … whereas when the body has been prepared by the Operator it keeps the appearance of life for an indefinite period , and the last look remains as a pleasant remembrance to their friends .
15 Continue in this way until all the seaweed has been prepared , then cover each piece with a clean sheet of blotting paper and place a couple of newspapers over the top .
16 The service has been prepared by the women of Guatemala .
17 The report has been prepared by Ernst & Young and the National Institute of Economic and Social Research on behalf of the Association for the Monetary Union of Europe .
18 Boreholes were drilled and geophysical investigations were made at Shaftesbury , and a draft report has been prepared .
19 In the area of toxicology , a hypertext has been prepared , and each toxin is described along with the following attributes : common name , molecular weight , molecular formula , characteristics , source , and toxicity .
20 All required materials are now in situ at the intermediate station , Winchcombe , the trackbed has been prepared , and to date over one third of a mile of track has been laid .
21 The catalogue has been prepared by Carol Clark , Professor of Fine Arts and American Studies at Amherst College , Massachusetts .
22 A catalogue with a celebratory essay by Judith Goldman has been prepared and the show is on view from 9 January until 6 February .
23 The exhibition has been prepared in collaboration with the Stichting Cadre , Amsterdam , and the accompanying catalogue has been written by Rob Perree of the foundation .
24 An accompanying commentary volume has been prepared by Janet Backhouse of the British Museum , James Marrow of the University of Berkeley , California , and Gerhard Schmidt of the University of Vienna , and is due to appear early this year .
25 History is the arena in which , first through the period of the Old Testament , then by the teaching of Jesus in the New , the way has been prepared for the gradual purifying and refining of man 's religious sense which will lead to a third , future era , in which religious values will be seen to shine in their own light as ‘ necessary truths of reason ’ .
26 An office has been prepared for you in the Kremlin .
27 Close the two lapels , and continuing the old traditional method , bind firmly but not too tightly with raffia — you can buy this as ‘ bass ’ from a sundries shop — that has been prepared previously into 18 inch ( 45cm ) lengths and well soaked to make it soft and pliable .
28 This document has been prepared by the Project Team .
29 We have been told for several centuries now that every child is naturally different and it is therefore wrong to impose on one the mould which has been prepared for others unlike it .
30 A private enterprise act has been prepared and we will move quickly to a grand sell-off of these enterprises with several hundred thousand new owners .
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