Example sentences of "have come the " in BNC.

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1 Determinedly and irrevocably into the American language has come the modern reference to ‘ the underclass ’ .
2 That overweight bounder Billy Bunter has come the most frightful cropper at the BBC .
3 In recent years , however , has come the realisation that adults learn best when they have a say in what and how they learn .
4 From this has come the immense development of Justice and Peace Commissions , both in Rome and throughout the Catholic world , which have greatly helped bring to fruition a whole new dimension of church life , a social activism concerned with the service of the poor , of economic justice and of genuine peace ( Paul VI later declared that ‘ Development is the new name for Peace ’ ) .
5 He gives as an example of this the growth of a ‘ pornocracy ’ and through the break-up of the sex-procreation nexus has come the increasing commodification of pleasure — the developing range of sex-pleasure items on the market .
6 With economic change has come the emergence of both areas and social groups of disadvantage , which have attracted the attention of analysts and observers with an intensity accorded to the social and environmental problems of deprived London a century ago .
7 Together with ‘ efficiency ’ and good management principles has come the crying need for experts to take charge of every field .
8 The money has come the Government 's waiting list initiative .
9 So we 've come the premise .
10 And really he 's got to , I mean , you know , alright with work wise I mean he 's got to take even if , I mean the kids these days , I mean , even at Neil 's age , I mean you know , I 've come the conclusion now these kids they think the world owes them something !
11 The ball come across and er I see Bedford had his back to the goal , and I could see he was going to swivel and hit it with his left foot , and I 've just come across the goal and er , he just hit it down low to my right hand side and luckily I 've come the right way and pushed it wide .
12 This noticeboard had already played a significant part in my life : nearly thirty years before then it had displayed the result of my own first degree ( second-class honours ) ; a few years later had come the perfunctory notice saying my doctoral thesis had been accepted by the college ; and shortly after that an even briefer note to the effect that I had joined the teaching staff .
13 The Sputnik demonstration of Soviet technological capabilities had made Foster Dulles ’ philosophy of massive nuclear retaliation untenable , and in its place had come the theory of imposing a pause with conventional forces to allow time for last-minute negotiations to reduce the chances of mutual nuclear suicide .
14 Then had come the shock of seeing a face peering out at him from the attic window .
15 After the initial decision to continue my trip had come the fight to quell bitterness .
16 ‘ Perfectly fine , thank you , sir , ’ had come the reply .
17 Hoomey had not seen Nails there since , but had an instinct that he had come the following night too .
18 Then had come the visit from a middle-aged man with a grey face .
19 A man at the back of the crowd said , ‘ I was sitting in the dome car lounge when Xanthe came through , and I can tell you that no one had come the other way .
20 Then , while a Navy surgeon lieutenant — she liked the sport and a contract that would last nicely into her forties — had come the memoranda .
21 From Titron had come the first man who could withstand radiation , be it from a bomb , or in deep space .
22 Since the railways had come the post travelled more quickly , and it was possible that her grandfather already knew everything .
23 Then had come the only question Bess Halidon was ever to ask about the incident .
24 ‘ Innkeeper , ’ had come the almost inaudible reply .
25 ‘ I should n't bother yerself if I were you , ’ had come the reply .
26 As he had grown older , his anger had turned to cold bitterness , and creeping into his mind had come the idea of revenge , something subtle enough to humble his mother , make her realize that he lived , without killing her .
27 She had come the other way to the school , and was parked by the road , now , increasingly fretful that the two boys were nowhere to be seen .
28 Next had come the much bigger step in to cable television , which he believes will one day be a major community resource and the source of enormous profits through home-order shopping on two-way TV lines .
29 Her great-grandparents had lived in this house ; it was her great-grandfather who had bought the farm ; but from where had come the money for a Polish immigrant to buy a farm in those far-off days remained a mystery to both her grandfather and , of course , her father .
30 Everyone was heading for the bedroom from which had come the screams .
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