Example sentences of "have been sitting " in BNC.

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1 And there 's Master Tristram pretending he 's not listening to his father , who might 've been sitting in the Fowey stocks by now if it was n't for that same father 's efforts . "
2 ‘ And when you look at some of their shops and you see the same old wooden table that has been sitting out the front for months priced at £10 , or £20 , you realise the money has got to be coming from somewhere else — and we know it 's coming from knocking . ’
3 Around July time Sequent will release , for its Symmetry servers , the version of Unix SVR4 ES/MP that it worked on for Unix System Labs and has been sitting on since completion last March .
4 I eventually got a chance to read the South Wales Aggregates Working Party 's Regional Commentary which has been sitting on my desk for months .
5 Clint says he has been sitting on the story of Unforgiven for 15 years waiting to grow into the part but denies that this could be the last time he saddles up and rides off into the sunset .
6 I know it 's him , this man — what was his name ? — Luke Denner , that 's got you so worked up ; you 've not been the same since those few days in the country and that plan of his has been sitting on your desk untouched for days on end .
7 He has been sitting on a nurse 's knee being fed from a small drinking cup . ’
8 Coun Williams refuses to have any contact with the South Africans although for months President de Klerk has been sitting down with Nelson Mandela and immense steps are in train towards early power sharing .
9 A government anti- hooligan committee has been sitting with the Football Association ; they 've drawn up a great body of information collated by the police football intelligence unit based in London .
10 It was a freezing cold day and I 'd been sitting there in nothing but these dungarees that I 'd been working on the roof in .
11 He 'd been sitting in the car so long , it was hard for him to run .
12 I 'm sure she 'd been sitting there , but she was hardly wearing anything !
13 So , when he 'd first laid eyes on Judith — she 'd been sitting behind a desk at his accountant 's offices , her beauty all the more luminous for its drab setting — his first thought was : I want this woman ; his second : she wo n't want me .
14 Another unemployed divorcee said he 'd been sitting in his room late one night talking with a fellow inmate :
15 I felt as if I 'd been sitting there half the night .
16 When I came out , wearing the least horrid of the shirts he 'd bought for me , he stood up ( he 'd been sitting all the time by the door ) .
17 She 'd been sitting on the edge of the bed when they 'd arrived , two large uniformed men .
18 Even if they 'd been sitting down to breakfast with a headless horseman . ’
19 And I wondered why there was n't and I 'd been sitting there for ages , twenty five past five is the appointment .
20 Her face and neck felt as if she 'd been sitting in the heat of an oven .
21 They 'd been sitting still for too long .
22 With her spread hand she could pinch both of her temples and she 'd been sitting like this for a some time , holding out the light .
23 He 'd been sitting apparently fascinated by my World Religions class , and when he came up at the end I was sure he wanted to ask a question about Zoroastrianism or Thuggee , or whatever damned thing I 'd been going on about .
24 Nor did she mention the fact that she 'd been sitting there for nearly three hours .
25 A lady phoned in saying she 'd been sitting in a café when some animal rights campaigners carrying collection tins arrived and ordered a meal .
26 Isabel wondered how long he 'd been sitting there — intent , watchful , waiting .
27 He 'd been sitting on his fanny for three months now and here was a chance to do something .
28 At this point , a young woman who 'd been sitting on one of Bridget 's sofas jumped angrily to her feet and shouted at Geoffrey .
29 I got up , walked backwards towards the nearest dune , threw the can way high over the top of it , then came back , lay down where I 'd been sitting earlier , and closed my eyes .
30 Here she was , imagining that the last half-hour had been a sort of truce — telling Marc all those things about her life on the stage , all those silly , funny , self-mocking stories of disaster and mayhem that were part of the business , and he 'd been sitting there in judgement all that time , working out how much Peter might or might not have paid her for playing the part of his fiancée …
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