Example sentences of "have been talk " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I hear you 've been talking to my Hilda and young Ralph . ’
2 ‘ I hear you 've been talking to our friends in Manila , ’ he says , chattily , as though the difference in our rank means nothing to him .
3 No but it must 've been talking about youngsters having cars
4 But they could 've been talking about something personal and we would 've heard everything they said .
5 ‘ We must ensure that the support materials we prepare for teachers are as closely tied in with the demands of the curriculum as possible , especially with the new 5 – 14 guidelines , and my first priority has been to talk to Educational Advisers throughout Scotland .
6 Mr Perelman has been talking to Shearson and its parent , American Express , about buying a 20 per cent shareholding in the broking business .
7 The Queen has been talking to prime ministers every week since the early fifties : when it comes to practical experience , she is better placed to give advice than her own advisers .
8 Now he has been talking of being ‘ more in control ’ .
9 Today , commenting on the Labour leadership election , claims that ‘ The only one who has been talking sense is John Prescott .
10 For weeks Downing Street has been talking about bringing Mr Major and Mr Clinton together when the premier travels to the States to take part in US-EC summit .
11 But like you , he has been talking to my shipping office in Monaco and learns that there has been no communication for four days .
12 ‘ The only difference is that in Rome everybody has been talking about this game for three months .
13 Mr. Edmonds has been talking to himself for years … now everyone listens
14 Usually , the former has been talking about the latter .
15 Hitachi has been talking about a ‘ Unix mainframe ’ using the RISC for a couple of years now , but is using a Sparc front-end for OSF/1 Unix on its existing mainframes ( CI No 2,144 ) .
16 IBM Corp 's dismantling of the Armonk politburo to follow Chairman Mao 's ‘ Let 100 Flowers Bloom ’ dictum has really let the genie out of the bottle , and Infoworld has been talking to consultants that say the company is planning to enter the tents of the enemy by putting a version of the DB2 database up under Windows NT .
17 IBM Corp 's dismantling of the Armonk politburo to follow Chairman Mao 's ‘ Let 100 Flowers Bloom ’ dictum has really let the genie out of the bottle , and Infoworld has been talking to consultants that say the company is planning to enter the tents of the enemy by putting a version of the DB2 database up under Windows NT .
18 The Mercury One-2-One Ltd digital cellular joint venture between Cable & Wireless Plc and US West Inc has been talking to Reuters , and says it is not seeking to trigger a price war with Cellnet Mobile Communications Ltd and Vodafone Group Plc .
19 That looks pricey , missing both the personal computer and sub-$5,000 price points the company has been talking about , even if it does offer more floating point performance than Intel Corp 's high-end 486DX-50 chip .
20 Sun Microsystems Inc president , Scott McNealy , has been talking to and having lunch with Ray Noorda lately , chewing over what 's to become of Unix System Labs under Novell Inc .
21 Compaq , meanwhile , has been talking down its ACE role ever since Rod Canion left the bridge .
22 Microsoft Corp has been talking a little more about its planned Cairo — now called Windows Cairo — object-oriented operating system , and far from being a distant prospect , it looks as if it will come hard on the heels of Windows NT , with a professional developers ' kit available as soon as early next year according to the late Systems & Network Integration .
23 Following on from last month , It seems that GeoWorks has been talking to Casio and Tandy about putting its graphical front-end on hand-held computers , slated to compete with the so-far non-existent Apple Newton .
24 A thrill went through Alice , as when someone who has been talking for a lifetime about unicorns suddenly glimpses one .
25 Childrens World marketing communications controller John Forester says he has been talking to agencies with the knowledge of the incumbent GGT and insists there is no review of the Sears-owned business .
26 She has been talking to the Seniors about working on Saturdays .
27 It started to get out of proportion in that he , Ray has been talking to him about the impact of the summer season in Scarborough in terms of how long it takes his staff to get from A to B.
28 Mr. Speaker , Sir , ever since this Minister filled his predecessor 's boots , he has been talking a load of rubbish .
29 DAVID WALMSLEY has been talking to Ulster 's faces of the future .
30 At present some think it weak-kneed through lack of characters but Brian , speaking to us in the Belfry , has been talking to possible sponsors .
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