Example sentences of "have a duty " in BNC.

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1 But Professor Leadbetter also feels the laboratory has a duty to serve British industry , which , he said , lags behind Japan and the United States in the exploitation of advanced facilities such as the SRS .
2 THE MANAGING director of Eurotunnel , Tony Ridley , made it clear yesterday that the Government is ultimately responsible for the Channel tunnel rail link and has a duty to see the project completed successfully .
3 So long as balance is defined in terms of the quantity of party coverage — and not whether it is favourable or unfavourable — then the only justification for awarding the government extra coverage is that the government represents order , stability , and legitimate authority , which the media has a duty to support .
4 Founded by a breakaway group of journalists from Sounds , it has gone on to outsell its progenitor and , though primarily star-oriented , considers it has a duty to reflect the grass-roots scene as well .
5 Whether or not he does it , every person has a duty to God not to ‘ harm another in his life , … liberty , … or goods ’ , and so has a parallel right to defend himself against such attack .
6 Unlike this government , we would invest in you : every government has a duty to use its resources to extend freedom , opportunity and choice to all its citizens and this is particularly true for the young .
7 Whatever the uncertainty about whether God exists , the theist has a duty to be precise about what he or she means by ‘ God ’ .
8 The distribution of legal responsibility for the education of children is such that parents have , in effect , a duty to send their children to school , and the state has a duty to educate them when they get there .
9 The school has a duty ( which rests with the governors ) to identify pupils with special educational needs and to ensure that appropriate provision is made .
10 One has a duty to uphold and support authorities if they meet the conditions of the service conception as explained above .
11 One has a duty to obey those in authority over one even in circumstances in which disobedience does not imperil their existence or functioning .
12 For example , the Secretary of State for the Environment has a duty , not just a power , to compile lists of buildings of historic and architectural interest .
13 THE SECRETARY of State for the Environment has a duty — not just a power — laid on him by parliament , to compile lists of buildings which are of historic and architectural interest .
14 In addition he has a duty to consider whether , in the public interest , he should make a report on any matter arising out of , or in connection with the accounts , in order that the matter should be considered by the council or brought to public attention .
15 The CEO , or representative , has a duty to offer advice and will be able to attend relevant meetings of the selection panel .
16 The governing body has a duty to consider that advice .
17 ‘ Whether we like it or not , the stepfamily is the family of the future and society has a duty to accept this . ’
18 In carrying out these functions , the supervising officer has a duty to both parties and not just to his client to deal with these matters strictly in accordance with the contract conditions and with good professional practice .
19 Three-quarters of all Germans now believe that the government has a duty to provide them with a job and a house .
20 But it also has a duty to contribute towards shaping a struggling new South Africa .
21 The Press has a duty to investigate .
22 He should remind himself that he has a duty of confidentiality to his client and he should not be afraid to say so to the police .
23 Within 14 days of receipt of the notice the company has a duty to send a copy of it to the Registrar .
24 The solution lies within the Tory Party , which will remain in power for another four years and so has a duty to revive and spur the nation towards the next millenium .
25 However , the curator has a duty to the estate rather than to the ward , and may save money , not spend it to benefit the ward .
26 Each Authority has a duty to provide its respective radio and television services as public services for the dissemination of information , education and entertainment , and to ensure that its programmes maintain a high general standard , in particular as respects their quality and content , and a proper balance and wide range of subject matter … .
27 Further , decisions about the needs of kin , and whether one has a duty to put them before one 's own interests , cease to be static sets of responsibilities and become matters for judgement at a particular point in time , with such judgements being related both to the economic circumstances then prevailing , and to the situation of all the other members of the family group .
28 A duty is something black and white : once we know what it is that a body has a duty to do and what it actually did , we can say either that the authority has performed its duty or that it has not .
29 For example , if a local authority has a duty to cause streets in its area to be ‘ sufficiently lit ’ , how many lights does this require it to install ?
30 Or , if it has a duty to maintain the highway , does this require it to clear snow and ice from every road and path in its area ?
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