Example sentences of "with a similar " in BNC.

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1 A central part of the claim was a reduction in the working week from 39 hours to 35 , to coincide with a similar demand by the leaders of two million engineering workers who are conducting strike ballots at key sites .
2 Other people and think-tanks had come up with a similar recipe before and never had much impact .
3 Mr Saunders ' fund has a 40 per cent exposure to the mark , with a similar commitment to the dollar .
4 But such a situation is also presented as a thing pre-done , interpreted by being seen in terms of Antony 's meeting with Cleopatra as portrayed by Shakespeare , and as a thing re-done , since the third meeting , that of Princess Volupine with Sir Ferdinand Klein presents us again with a similar situation .
5 As in The German Ideology , we seem to start with a similar early evolutionary stage which is roughly described as ‘ tribal ’ and which in itself divided into three .
6 The policy , under the banner ‘ Taking care of the world we share ’ , commits the company to carrying out regular environmental audits , training employees to improve environmental performance and using suppliers with a similar attitude towards the environment .
7 Whereas Hitchcock 's last British film , the pre-war Jamaica Inn ( 1939 ) , could be said to be dealing with a similar area of subject matter to , say , Hatter 's Castle ( 1941 ) , the emotional level struck by the latter is a world away from the former .
8 Ownership Tough restrictions on cross-media ownership will prevent national newspaper owners holding more than a 20 per cent stake in television companies , with a similar limitation on cross interests between commercial televison , satellite television and national radio channels .
9 The highly acclaimed Herringcote development at Dorchester-on-Thames by Beechcroft , together with a similar select retirement scheme which is now under construction at Woodstock by the same company .
10 I was conscious , too , of his fine , tanned hand holding the pencil , and of the occasional play of warm breath from his mouth , wholesome as home-baked bread , though he was a heavy smoker — much heavier than I. ft was I who introduced him to the Bisontes brand , a Spanish version of Lucky Strike , with a similar ‘ toasted ’ flavour .
11 There is a defence for a young man under 24 who has not previously been charged with a similar offence and who believes that the girl is 16 years old .
12 In the past few years Broderick has been faced with a similar , if less epic problem : simply how to grow up on screen , how to graduate from the early ‘ smart kid ’ roles in War Games and Ferris Bueller 's Day Off which have so far intended to resort to a tour of duty in a Vietnam movie or wearing a false moustache in a cop drama to prove their ‘ maturity ’ as actors .
13 special coping slabs are also available with a similar texture effect to the wall to finish the job off .
14 His feet continued to pattern Ab-u-dah Ab-u-dah on the pavement as it slowly curved towards a junction with a similar , possibly even shabbier street , a terrace without any trees .
15 Everyone likes to hang around with people with a similar image , it gives you more confidence to experiment .
16 Holders of £435m of bonds will be offered A and B bonds with a similar repayment schedule .
17 Southampton , who sent West Ham to the bottom of the division six weeks ago with a similar scoreline at The Dell , have hauled themselves close to safety with a run of one defeat in 13 matches .
18 John Dunlop has worked quite comfortably under those circumstances and we are quite content with a similar situation for our good horses . ’
19 Compare this with a ‘ puzzle ’ structure used by the same authors with a similar age group of children who had asked for a ‘ horror mystery ’ drama .
20 Mammalian faunas on isolated continental fragments could evolve , at least for a time , separately from faunas in other parts of the world , producing a whole series of peculiar animals that have no direct relationships to animals with a similar mode of life elsewhere .
21 Another writer with a similar argument is the eighteenth-century cleric Bishop Butler .
22 Don Roberto had been killed with a similar knife to the one Trent carried .
23 It is interesting to compare these lines with a similar passage in Philips 's poem :
24 Thus it seems that the only understanding that the persons in the original position can reach is that everyone should have the greatest equal liberty consistent with a similar liberty for others .
25 Mindful of the quarrels over precedence among the Bonaparte family which had marred his uncle 's coronation , Napoleon III may have felt it unwise to provide them with a similar occasion for bad manners .
26 For most of the black and white pictures , I used a Leica M6 and shot it with a similar approach to The Family .
27 ( In Italy the foliot was sometimes replaced by a balance wheel with a similar reciprocating action . )
28 The strips of course are not complete , exact rectangles ; that would be asking too much , but they obviously are strips , and obviously are symmetrical about the ridge axis — each black strip left of the axis can be matched with a similar black strip of equal width on the right of the axis , at the same distance from it .
29 As might be expected , the recent film by prolific one-man Finnish film industry Aki Kaurismaki bears only slight resemblance to the story with a similar name by Hans Christian Andersen .
30 This medium-sized breed is a larger version of the Armorican with a similar Shorthorn colour range , though it is usually dark red with small patches of white .
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