Example sentences of "with a single " in BNC.

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1 Club 2000 features an Access Control System which enables members to book and use facilities with a single magnetic strip membership card .
2 The terminal offers Maxial users a facility to enter restaurant and bar menu items with a single key stroke .
3 This can be disastrous and may easily occur if there is no wind in the early morning when the gliders are parked outside the hangar with a single tyre on the wing-tip .
4 To do so is to help the opponent to win without his having to hit you with a single scoring technique .
5 Whereas an opponent may be able to cope with a single technique , it is much more difficult when the attack is continuous , incorporating both linear and circular blows delivered to different , often widely separated targets .
6 and clamoured with a single challenge of personal beauty ,
7 Roy looked much more solid — the kind of man who would sit silently through what she had to say , listen to Purdy 's probing , then corner her with a single , well-informed comment .
8 Better to turn up with a single flower .
9 Plans evolved for new trains for the 1990s Channel Tunnel workings between British provincial centres and Paris , Brussels , and beyond being formed into eighteen coach trains with a power car at each end like an extended electric version of the InterCity 125 diesels , but with the capability to split into nine-coach trains push-pull style with a single power car , perhaps they are all things to all men .
10 The circuit ( Fig. 4a , middle left ) shows a first order switched capacitor integrator where each switch element is implemented with a single GaAs igfet device replacing the multi-device circuits required by standard mesfet technology .
11 In his opinion there was no doubt that Miss Ward 's head had been cut off with a single blow from a sharp instrument .
12 ‘ Root ’ is normally associated with a single hair , not ‘ knots ’ of it .
13 It was a fundamental reorganisation , because fourteen private companies working in rivalry with one another is quite a different thing from fourteen companies being merged into a single corporation with a single objective .
14 The best businesses over a long period of time have been the ones with a single thrust .
15 The small boxroom with a single bed was already prepared .
16 If , on the other hand , any centralized system with a single head , controlling a defined territory , is called a state , it is then possible to give examples of ‘ states ’ where no obvious dominant class exists .
17 This is because the church has an asymmetrical plan with a single southern aisle rather than the more usual arrangement of south and north aisles flanking a central nave .
18 In conformity with the conventional treatment , where the cross-section narrows from a church with a central nave and side aisles at the lower levels to a narrow , lofty nave only at upper levels , optimum use is made of this space by filling it with a single range of dwellings .
19 Two-year-olds generally cots and , though we had asked for one in advance , we were provided with a single bed which we had to surround with cushions to make it safe .
20 While Mr Forte had reservations about the lengthy name of the congress , he hoped it would lead to a structure which should enable the industry to speak with a single voice on many issues .
21 The boiling table measures 90cm wide and 73cm deep and is made with a cast-iron top with a single burner under a bull's-eye in the middle .
22 I would better understand this type of ‘ high-tech ’ approach if you demolished the whole of Trafalgar Square and started again with a single architect responsible for the entire layout .
23 There is a powerful body of opinion in the defence establishment which supports such a ban , on the grounds that the US Navy 's superiority can only be reinforced if its Soviet counterpart is deprived of the only weapons which could be expected to destroy a US aircraft carrier with a single hit .
24 Women seem fearful of becoming too friendly with a single mother ; fearful that if they spend too much time with her , they might just get a taste for something that is denied them .
25 Men , of course , would not make friends with a single mother for the reason that men do not make friends .
26 Mr Hutton 's desk was a shaped piece of black wood with a single file on it , and the heavily bound books that covered one wall appeared to be held there by the power of faith , no shelves being visible .
27 The first female is then shot a second time , and as the confused baby attempts to suckle from its dying mother , it too is despatched with a single bullet . ’
28 Already , roughly half the world 's oil is carried by one-tanker companies , whose entire assets founder with a single wreck .
29 Significantly , although this train is named after a bard who loved the towns and villages of East Anglia , a thorough search of his complete oeuvre fails to come up with a single reference to Lowestoft .
30 He visualized simple dinners by the light of two candles with a single , long-stemmed rose in a glass between them .
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