Example sentences of "you go over " in BNC.

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1 Your leg is still trailing when you go over the bar .
2 ‘ Then you go over to school , dear , ’ said Miss Fogerty , ‘ and I 'll see to the breakfast things . ’
3 an added speed factor is the way in which you go over the waves — just like a ski racer , the longer you spend in the air the slower you go .
4 A further way of avoiding too much time in the air is to lift the back foot as you go over a wave , this helps to stop the nose lifting .
5 ‘ No , but knowing you , if you go over your limit we 'll have to tie you down before carrying you upstairs to bed . ’
6 If you go over the limit you have to pay duty on the excess when you go through customs .
7 And if you go over the top the police could charge you with various types of assault , depending on the damage done .
8 ‘ You need to hit the ball hard to get out but if you hit it too well , you go over to the other side of the green …
9 As you go over the pass the path descends the side of Sail Beck to Buttermere ( 2.75 miles ) .
10 Allow lining paper to fully dry out ; time each pasting so the paste is allowed to soak in for ten minutes before hanging , and if you go over that time , make sure all sections soak for the same time .
11 Then you go over the seat and hang off the inside , but you still keep a lot of weight on that outside peg and you put on some more if the tyre starts really sliding . ’
12 Between As Cain and Sare you go over the Col Saint-Ignace , a very modest affair of some 500 feet .
13 ‘ There 's no bump when you go over the equator .
14 It is appropriate enough in that country where skiing is often confined to one side of the mountain and if you go over the back you must have special permission and be accompanied by a guide .
15 Just first time you get a chance , you go over and get them to X-ray it , and they 'll see if there 's any damage at the back there .
16 If y you , s say that the wife 's income i is , is three , four hundred erm and interest rates go up and then you go over ,
17 Well , of course you go over with it , you 're inside it , see .
18 Robbie , if you go over to the drawer , look , the top one on the left , there are some photos , there should be one of Janet .
19 You go over to May 's , they always have a bit of a carry-on on New Year 's Eve , and I 'll keep awake and see to Emma . ’
20 To make sure that you know , they 've got to understand we police it from that which means that you go over
21 you go over to the club
22 If dad 's on his half past four , if he can get to kip if you go over at seven o'clock one night .
23 the first bump you go over
24 Well go , you go over you can eat it over there
25 I mean I they 've got a , a stall on the market , I 've seen something on the market on that stall , but they 've not got it in their size and they 'll say to you , ooh , go over to the shop , you know , and you go over
26 No , you go over by Georges do n't you ?
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