Example sentences of "[adj -er] [noun sg] at the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The case for such objective assessment before operation seems particularly strong in women over the age of 50 because they may have suffered occult damage to the anal sphincter during the childbirth and could be at particular risk of a poor functional outcome if the sphincter were to sustain further damage at the time of operation .
2 ‘ The prime minister and Ken and Douglas [ Hurd ] should form a much easier triumvirate at the centre . ’
3 To end this chapter I would like to return to the question of livestock farming and take a further look at the balance that has to be drawn between animal welfare , conservation and protecting the environment .
4 A virulent attack of nephritis prevented Chesterton from further action at the front , and he died 6 December 1918 in Wimereux , near Boulogne , France .
5 A further search at the end of February was also unsuccessful .
6 For this reason it is not good practice to acquire high concentration and dilute them on site for use as stock concentrates and stored for further dilution at the point of use .
7 But when the socialists proposed a further cut at the end of 1945 , he baulked .
8 It is important that Compacts be designed with sufficient flexibility for those students who are failing at a certain stage , to negotiate re-entry and a further attempt at the goals .
9 There was also one further desk at the front , set just below the Inspector , where ‘ witnesses , gave evidence either for or against the proposal .
10 Before the sea can effect any further erosion at the base of the cliff it will have to reduce the cliff debris to such a size that it can be transported away from its protecting position at the base of the cliff .
11 On further examination at the hospital it was discovered that he had lost most of his teeth and hair and there was irreparable damage to the stomach and intestines as well as to the central nervous system .
12 The majority of our trainees are hoping for a career in care , and we hope that many will be going on to further education at the end of the year .
13 It concentrates almost exclusively on the methods of financing advanced further education at the expense of the aims and philosophies which those methods should serve .
14 After the production 's two-week run in Coventry and a further week at the Oxford Playhouse , Frank Finlay — who played the father who ultimately realizes his failure — left the repertory company for America , where he appeared on Broadway in the short-lived John Osborne/Anthony Creighton play Epitaph for George Dillon .
15 It only goes to show that compared to the mid-80s , when there was just Eddie Hemmings and I battling for an England place , there is now much tougher competition at the top .
16 The third moved to a house which was not supported by the Special Development Team but where the home leader had been trained by the team and was receiving further training at the University .
17 The aim is to open up higher education to under-represented groups through provision which offers enhanced support plus guaranteed further training at the end of one year .
18 Wilder will be the first black governor in American history and the union endorsed him believing that he will ensure fairer treatment at the hands of state officials .
19 The consultancy firm Pieda , headed by Donald Mackay , recommended against further expansion at the Queen Margaret site , partly because of the pressure of traffic , which already causes friction with residents in the Clermiston area .
20 No further expansion at the desktop level is planned , but a new series of high-end DRS boxes due next year and built around Pyramid Technology Corp 's R bus technology could use either processor , depending on which is offering the best price-performance at the time , he says .
21 For more details of self-help , see Further reading at the end of the chapter .
22 See also Further reading at the end of the chapter .
23 A list of these books may be found in Further Reading at the end of this chapter .
24 Many will be familiar with Graham Gibbs ' Twenty Terrible Reasons for Lecturing or Donald Bligh 's What 's the Use of Lectures ? ( see Suggestions for further reading at the end of this chapter ) and most will have been intellectually persuaded that they ought to give fewer , better lectures and devote their remaining teaching energies to small-group learning — i.e. tutorials and seminars .
25 In his book , Learn how to Study ( see Suggestions for further reading at the end of this chapter ) , Derek Rowntree offers excellent advice on how to tackle a textbook .
26 According to B.F. Skinner , " Education is what survives when what has been taught has been forgotten " ( " Education in 1984 " , see Suggestions for further reading at the end of this chapter ) .
27 After he got his lower second at the University of Loughborough , she told Mrs Freeman at 82 that Henry was ‘ on course for a Nobel prize ’ .
28 As a Lower boy at the time I came before the Lower Master .
29 The award and the ceremony itself were instigated by the British Fashion Council , which tried every tactic it could -including the setting up of a smarter venue at The Duke of York 's Barracks -to persuade Katharine Hamnett to show in London .
30 Looking around at all the there are a whole lot of people who have left the same even border all the way round instead of having an even border top and sides and leaving a bigger border at the bottom .
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